Snape's Revenge

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 What If: Snape had tried to get revenge on the Marauders in school after Sirius's cruel prank? Wolfstar

An idea I'm honestly surprised never did seem to play out in the books, Snape really doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who just let the whole thing go and still attended school with Remus for the next two years without trying to do something about it.


Peter got his detention first, Professor Sinestra wouldn't believe it hadn't been Wormtail to fuse twelve telescopes together on purpose since he had been the one to accidentally do it during the last class.

James had been next, he was as surprised as anyone when McGonagall hounded him during dinner and gave him a week of detentions for the stands in the Quidditch pitch now rotting and delaying the Slytherin vs Ravenclaw game, but he'd somehow had the blame pinned on him no matter his insistent innocence he would never provoke the sport.

It didn't occur to them what was happening until Sirius was held back in Care of Magical Creatures class the day of the full moon, Remus falling asleep on a tree only supported by Lily waiting patiently with him in the shade as they watched from a distance why he'd been held back. It was easy to tell a dressing down was going on and Sirius started firing up his hands, burning energy starting to make the lake boil they'd swear as the two gesticulated. They all loved Kettleburn, so whatever had happened and Sirius was getting blame for actually had Moony straightening up in surprise and concern, only Lily's restraining hand on his arm and a cautioned, "let it play out, I don't think we can help this," stopped him from going back. Being a Prefect made it worse when he tried to vouch for his friends to the teachers.

Kettleburn just kept shaking his head in defeat and finally crossed his arms as well as he could. The cane dangling from one hand thumped against the knee of his missing leg, the stump of his arm more visible than usual as Sirius flipped him off before departing.

Sirius stormed over to them already shouting for all of Hogwarts to hear, "I've got detention for a month for somebody leaving firecrackers out in the Forest! Nearly burned the place down apparently! Some student swore they saw me doing it and, and-"

He froze, and went white as he looked at Remus, off in the distance to the Shrieking Shack, then the school. "I'd never- not this week- I'd never dream of- especially not this week- Moony you-"

"I know you didn't," Sirius wouldn't dare ever, not of their spot, and not the days preceding a full moon where he was always on his best behavior. "I'll be fine," he whispered the lie. "It's one night."

Maybe, if the other two had been there for him he could have talked Sirius into suffering the unjust punishment, but even Lily shook her head at his absurdity as Padfoot glowered at him now.

"Don't Remus-" she crooked her nails into his arm with concern.

"Not a chance love." The term of endearment from his boyfriend shook him, they only called each other that in private, but there wasn't a trace of regret on his face.

"You could get caught," he attempted whatever caution he could. "If you skip, your illegal ass Padfoot-"

"They'll triple my detention for skipping," he waved his hand carelessly. Always so reckless. "Even if, if , I do, Dumbledore won't expel me! Not when I tell him why I did it! He won't tell the Ministry and the teacher's can give me hell every night of the month except this one! I'm not leaving you to go through that alone Remus, final!"

"But Prongs won't be there to-" he tried one last time even knowing it was a lost cause. That fearlessness would be the death of him some day.

"It's Prongs's decision if he'll gamble getting caught too," Sirius reminded, unwavering. He crossed his arms across his chest, something only James ever did to enforce his point on the pitch. "You willing to bet those odds?" So loyal, stubborn, brave.

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