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Story Prompt: Back to School

Prompt(s): Lucius Malfoy, Angry

A/N: HC Monthly Challenge, August; Prompt(s); Lucius Malfoy, Angry

Disclaimers; Malfoy's wretched personality and how he views people at this time in his life


"Draco!" Father's quiet voice carried over the large crowd and huffing train. "What have I told you about that?"

Anger broiled in him, but he hid it well as he turned away from having spotted Blaise and immediately lowered his hand back to his side from the childish gesture of waving. "Yes father. May I be excused?"

"I suppose," he drawled impatiently, hardly looking at him now anyways as his eyes continued to rove over the crowd with disdain. "If you're done acting like a child. Remember to visit with Professor Umbridge as soon as you step into the castle now, loathsome woman, but another ear to Fudge may be-"

He stopped abruptly and Draco didn't have to look around long to see why. Potter had arrived with his usual entourage of freaks at his side, including a dog now. Even a mutt held Lucius' attention more than him, his eyes remained trained on the beast when he'd hardly acknowledge his status of Prefect past the usual cordial nod and reminding him to keep it polished. Just another day in the Manor.

"You're dismissed," father stated, hand now on his wand deep in his robes as he continued to watch the proceedings. Draco agreeably melded back out of sight, but remained in place no farther than a dozen feet behind some gangling lad with thick messy locks who was too busy trying to flirt with an idiot girl behind her mums back to notice his radiating fury.

He was tired of being treated like a child, the same thing had been happening all summer. Told to clear off whenever anyone came over now, where as before he'd often been scolded for trying to leave the room! Father could never keep his hat straight anymore, he always seemed more busy than ever. The Dark Lord had returned and Draco had never even seen him, let alone was told of the plans coming to finally be free of the mudbloods.

He'd prove himself though, he'd already perfected his disillusionment charm and kept himself in half a dozen rooms to hear plenty of things passed along, such the oaf of a teacher in his useless Creature's class wouldn't be back and why, and whatever father was so interested in about Potter now he'd learn before even him.

The sensation of something wet, heavy, and cold trickled down his neck to his unseen eyes, now matched by his own invisibility coating him from others. He shoved his way through the crowd, with no care, there were just too many people around for anyone to notice it wasn't someone's stray trunk on a wild run through to the train as its whistle began to blow.

Close enough now to just hear the parting words, that obese redhead of a Weasley hissed right at the mongrel as she shoved Potter towards the compartments, "act more like a dog Sirius!"

Most useless thing that blood-traitors ever done, he realized as he quickly darted ahead of the idiot still lingering for one last look.

He was the first to arrive in the Prefects carriage, startling the Head Girl as he removed his Charm right outside the door just to watch her jump as he slide the door open, still brimming with righteous knowledge. So Black was still in contact with Potter, and an illegal animagus at that. Father would go a tad green himself when he found this out.

Pansy kept trying to hold his hand and giggle every single time he so much as shifted in his seat, cumbersome enough to even entertain when he had other things on his mind. The meeting itself was beneath him the moment Granger stepped through the door along with that weasel of a sidekick of Potter's, not to mention how trivial this patrolling nonsense was. If you were too stupid to get caught then you shouldn't be out in the first place.

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