Chapter 37 Part 1 - "Against All Odds"

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Chapter 37 Part 1 - "Against All Odds"


Murong Ci has always known that Zhaohua is good at disguising and has perfect acting skills, so she asked cooperatively:

"Emperor Sister, who is saying bad things about you?
What are they saying about you?"

Murong Chang squeezed the silk blanket with her hands, and said pitifully,

"Those Palace people and Concubines said that this Daughter is still so childish...spoiled and arrogant, wayward and rude.
Who would dare to marry such a Royal Princess among the respectful families' son?
Marrying a tigress would be better...
They also said that this Daughter might become an old lady and die alone in the Palace..."

Murong Ci was speechless to hear such exaggerated words,...
Fortunately only the Father would believe her...Or unfortunately?

Murong Cheng pounded the bed angrily, blowing his beard and staring at her,

"Those people dared to say that about Zhaohua...!?
Who is it? I'll punish them heavily!"

"Emperor Father please calm down your anger!
Don't get angry!"
Murong Chang said quickly,

"Actually, they are right.
This Daughter was indeed arrogant and self-willed...
The Emperor Father must not punish them, otherwise the reputation of Your Daughter will be even worse."

"Emperor Father, the Palace people, and Concubines talked nonsense, all due to the fact that the Princess Sister wasn't granted marriage when she's already seventeen."
Murong Ci resigned.

"Zhaohua, don't worry, I have already chosen a candidate for you."
Murong Cheng comforted.

"Emperor Father, if this Daughter must get married, at least let it be someone I like!
A talented man, both in the civil and military fields, excellent in temperament, the best man in the court!"
Murong Chang raised her chin, and her face was in high spirits, resembling the Sea Pearl Goddess of South China.

Murong Cheng smiled lowly,

"So, do you already have a someone in mind?"

She lowered her eyes shyly,

"Emperor Father..."

Murong Ci smiled,

"Let me guess who's the Princess Sister's favorite man....
The most beautiful man in the Dynasty, who is both civil and military outstanding, and has a great temperament...
Which man can be regarded with such a high praise other than the Royal King, Prince Regent?"

She squinted at Murong Ci's words, and said shyly:

"The Prince Brother is so bad..."
Her soft cheeks turned into a delicate pink, and without denying it, Murong Chang assented her statement.

The smile on Murong Cheng's face disappeared without a trace, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his face was solemn.

Murong Ci secretly thought,

'Could it be that her Father didn't like the idea of Murong Yu becoming the Princess' husband?'

With her clever mind, Murong Chang was the most adept at observing words, opinions and facial expression changes, and she also saw that there was something wrong with her Father,

"Emperor Father......?"

"Zhaohua, this Emperor will make sure to choose for you a husband both civil and military outstanding, which will definitely satisfy you."
Murong Cheng's old voice was still somewhat majestic.

"But Emperor Father,..."
she said anxiously.

"I'm tired. You can withdraw now."
His expression and voice became a little cold.

"This Prince retires."
Murong Ci bowed.

Feeling that her ways weren't going to work this time, Murong Chang did not dare to defy him openly and decided to retire as well.

After the two came out of the Sleeping Hall, Murong Chang grabbed Murong Ci's robe and pleaded:

"Prince Big-Brother, you want to help this Princess, right?
Does the Emperor Father... disapprove of me marrying the Prince Regent?"

Murong Ci comforted:

"Don't worry, this Prince will help you.
The Emperor Father loves you the most, and he is naturally the most concerned about your marriage.
As for the selection of the husband candidate, the Emperor Father should have his own consideration.
Everything is going to be all right.
This Prince will find a way."

Murong Chang nodded before returning to her Palace, the Jinghong Hall.


END of CHAPTER 37 PART 1 be continued

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