Chapter 5

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Happy End of the World! Here is the much awaited chapter 5. Super sorry for the long wait. I didn't have inspiration for a while but it came back and I've been writing like mad the past few days.

I just reached 400 fans and I am so incredibly happy that I just, I love you all. Each of you is amazing and I'm so amazed that I reached such a high number. Thank you, everyone.



Chapter 5


There's a soft knock at the door. Mum springs to her feet to see who it is while I just watch the rain fall distractedly, pounding against the window in an attempt to get into the room. The sound of the rain drowns out the mumbles of conversation between my mum and whoever is at the door. After a moment, though, she raises her voice to a normal tone, "Alright, I'll just leave you two alone, then."

Mum hasn't left me alone with anyone since the accident, so who could have possibly earned the privilege? My eyes widen in realization. He woke up. He's alive. He's well.

I turn quickly to the guest, ready to see the soft, bouncy curls of my best friend accompanied by his dazzling smile that produces indents in his chubby cheeks.

But I can't disguise the painful disappointment I feel when I only see Harry's mum standing by the door with red-rimmed eyes, dishevelled hair, and a dark blue shoe box in her her shaking hands. "Hello, Louis," she whispers, taking a couple steps closer.

Plastering a fake smile on my lips that I know doesn't fool her, I slide myself into a sitting position, careful of my left leg, "Hey, Anne. What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

Anne musters a shaky smile and slowly crosses the room to stand by me. "Well," she begins, blinking away the glistening tears in her eyes, "you knew how he could get sometimes." It was no question who he was. "I'd say about four months ago, he picked out a going away present for you." My eyes widen at the thought. Four months? We hadn't even known which uni I would be attending at that time. "He hid it in the shoebox in the back of his closet." Her eyes cast down at the blue shoebox, as if contemplating on giving it to me or keeping it to herself. Finally, a sad sigh falls from her lips, "Here."

She thrusts the box forward quickly as if afraid if she doesn't give it to me now, she never will. Her arms wait completely outstretched for me to grab it. But I can't. I can only stare as my own mother's words ring in my head:

"Harry probably won't make it."

This could be the last present I will ever receive from my best friend. In a dark blue cardboard box meant to hold a new pair of shoes will hold my last memory of my best friend.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I slowly take the box from Anne, gently placing it on my blanketed lap.

Anne grabs my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze that says we'll get through this.

With just one tear falling from her red eyes, Anne releases my hand and silently exits the room, leaving me alone with a dark blue shoebox that seemed to hold the weight of the world.

"Thank you so much," I pay the can driver as he pulls up to a stop on front of my family's house that we moved to right before uni started.

I walk up the slightly familiar paved walkway to the white door of the house that I live in for the summers. Swallowing my nerves, I knock on the wood, hoping someone will be awake to answer at four in the morning.

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