Chapter 13

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Hey guys! So what did you think? Harry knows! What do you think is going to change between them now? Only three people of the group know - Louis, Harry, and Zayn. Are you guys ready for the roller coaster to start? I sure hope you are.



Chapter 13


"Daisy! You forgot your candy bag!" Mum calls from upstairs as Daisy rushes down to join us at the front door. Her sparkly face falls into a pout and she gathers her Cinderella dress and heads back up the stairs as quickly as her little legs can take her.

Phoebe, dressed in a pirate costume, laces up her shoes clumsily in her effort to get out of the house as fast as she can to collect the candy she swears she's deprived of every day of the year except Halloween.

After a couple more pointless attempts, the witch version of Fizz sinks to her knees and ties Phoebe's laces for her just as Daisy prances back into the entryway with a bright, impatient smile on her face. She urges her sisters to hurry and hops in place until every one is on their feet.

But before we're able to head off into the night, Mum is running down the steps with a camera in hand, pleading for us to wait just a little bit longer. Out of habit, I wrap an arm around Lottie and the other around Fizz while the twins stand before us. "Say cheese," Mum instructs and we do as she says just as the camera flash goes off, blinding the five of us momentarily.

"All right, girls? Ready to go?" I ask, earning excited cheers from jumping girls. I hand Lottie and Fizz their flashlights then pick up my own and open the door. The twins race out and Lottie and Fizz follow. I step out after them and close the door behind us. When I turn around, I notice my sisters haven't moved down the walkway but instead stare straight ahead at a figure in the driveway.

Instantly, all my muscles tense and I go on high alert, ready to do anything to defend my sisters from the tall, thin man in the driveway. That is, until I notice the figure isn't an ax murderer, but instead the one and only Harry Styles standing just as frozen as we are.

The six of us stand there staring at one another, not entirely sure what to do in the situation until Lottie bravely steps from the group and approaches Harry. She reaches into her candy bag and pulls out a smaller bag. From that, she pulls out some eye liner and raises on her toes to draw on Harry's stunned face. When she pulls away, she turns and smiles at me with her bunny smile, revealing Harry who now has a black nose, whiskers across his cheeks, and long eyebrow hairs stretching up his forehead. "He's a cat," Lottie says brightly. "Now he can come trick-or-treating with us."

I slip between the three girls still standing on the walkway and slowly approach Harry as Lottie steps back to give us some space. Harry looks every bit as nervous as I feel, his lip caught between his teeth and toe digging into the concrete. Stopping a cautious distance away, I tentatively ask, "Do you still want to come?"

Those green irises move over my shoulder to look at the dressed up girls behind me. Then he turns his head to look at Lottie's eager face. "Yeah, I.." He looks back at me. "I would love to go."

I can't help the grin that curls my lips and brings a small smile to Harry's. "Fantastic. Run inside and grab one of my pillow cases then we'll head on our way."

"Hurry, Harry!" Phoebe shouts from behind me. "We need to go so we can get all the good candy!"

Harry laughs lightly but does as he's told, walking by me to get a pillow case. As he passes, I squeeze his shoulder and he looks over at me, his smile growing wider, then continues on his way with a bounce in his step. He comes back out a couple minutes later with a striped red pillow case in hand and wearing black jeans, a black sweater, and black cat ears on his head. "All ready," he tells us, seemingly as excited as Daisy and Phoebe.

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