Chapter 3

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I am a terrible human being. I was planning to up this once a week, and it's been over three weeks. I promised myself I wouldn't be the kind of the person that just drags on the wait and should just write the chapter when I can. Unfortunately, things came up making writing difficult, but I am presenting it to you now. I am so sorry for how late it is.

By the way, if a week passes and I haven't updated, go right on ahead and send me a message telling me to write the freaking chapter.

I hope this chapter makes up for some of the wait <3



Chapter 3


The first day of Uni goes by fairly quickly, at least the theater classes do. But as soon as I walk into my Physics class, I know it's going to be a long two hours. With an internal groan, I find an empty seat in the back of the room, earning glares form some people that know I prefer drama to, as they put it, "learning anything productive."

Just as the bell rings, I see my friend Stan enter the room, receiving a stern look from the professor. Stan shrugs then spots me and makes his way back to sit beside me.

"Why were you so late?" I question under my breath.

Stan huffs, "I wasn't late, the bell hadn't rung yet. And actually, I was looking for you. I was sure you'd be around the theater.

"My counselor is forcing me to take Physics," I reply through gritted teeth, "Why were you looking for me?"

A grin brightens Stan's face, "A friend of mine is throwing a party Friday night-"

"This early? School's barely started."

"Let me finish. He's having a party and wants as many people there as possible, so tell your friends and your friends' friends. There's four massive bedrooms, so get there early and find a pretty bird," he winks.

"El and I are still together, twat."

I roll my eyes at the shocked look on Stan's face. For whatever reason, Stan has doubted that Eleanor and I would last long. Eight months later and he still expects us to split up at any instant. Granted, I couldn't really blame the guy. I thought she would have dumped me for someone more in her league long before we reached eight months.

"So that means you'll go? Great!" Stan says before giving me the chance to answer, taking out a piece of paper and scribbling an address on it. "Here. Party starts at eight, but I'm coming at ten."

Studying the unfamiliar address, I nod. "We'll be there."


"Are you sure this is the right way?" Eleanor asks from beside me as we turn onto a dark road with only two street lamps to light the path.

"That's what the instructions say," Zayn responds from the back, sounding completely unperturbed by the dodginess of the street. "Take a left here."

I do so and within a minute, can feel music thumping in the car followed by a brightly lit house at the end of the road. I pull up to the closest curb side and the three of us get out of Eleanor's car. We walk to the party and once we reach the driveway, a naked boy runs by us, covering himself as much as he can. "This is my kind of party," Eleanor giggles.

The three of us make our way into the overly crowded house - everyone that lives on campus at the university must be here. Zayn claps my shoulder before going into the kitchen to get a drink. El and I link our fingers and walk through the house to where the music is loudest. In what is presumably the living room, music shakes the house through two large speakers and around fifty bodies grind to the beat of the song.

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