Chapter 8

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Sorry about the super late update, if you wish to know why it's so late (which I know none of you really care why), then inbox me and I'll tell you.

So yeah, here's the chapter and I hope you like it :)



Chapter 8


Friday is fast approaching and I pretend that the looming day doesn't irritate me. It really shouldn't, considering I've been invited to dozens of parties and made an appearance at nearly every one of them. Some I would be at for less than ten minutes, just a place to pop in at and get a beer, maybe meet a nice girl to bring home before I started dating Eleanor. Others, I would dance and drink the night away and wake up in someone's backyard without any clothes on.

That was all fine, but this party constantly nagged at the back of my mind, distracting me from understanding Physics and reciting my lines on time. It's been a persistent thought in my head that pesters at me to make a decision whenever my mind starts clearing of Uni stress. It really shouldn't be such a difficult decision to make. Go to the party or don't. But that fact that Harry invited me makes all the difference. He invited me because he wanted to clear his conscience, but then he watched over me until Zayn returned from his day out with Liam. It makes me feel as if I owe it to Harry to go to the party, but I don't want to attend a party I was only invited to out of pity. I'm sure I'm over analyzing.

Sadly, my over analyzing doesn't lag the week at all, and before I know it, classes are over Friday afternoon. When I reach my room after my final lesson, I immediately notice Zayn on all fours, searching under his bed wearing only boxers and a tank top. "Er, Zayn?" I earn a grunt in response. "What are you doing?"

Zayn stops searching under his bed and crawls across the floor to look under my bed. "I'm looking for my trousers. They've all vanished."

I hide the smirk threatening to grow on my face as I recall my prank from nearly a week ago. The almost smile becomes an almost frown as I begin to wonder exactly who's trousers Zayn has been wearing the past week. "Why don't you just wear the sweats you wore yesterday."

Scoffing as if I'm a ridiculous idiot, Zayn moves onto his dresser. "Yeah, wear sweats to a party," he says sarcastically and I roll my eyes, plopping down on my bed. He looks over at my lounging form and smirks, "Why don't you make yourself useful and help me look?"

"Because I'm too busy wondering who's trousers you've been wearing all week when yours have been gone."

Zayn freezes then turns to face me with a glare filled with mirth. "Very funny, Lou. Now where are all my trousers? I'd rather not show up to a party without anything covering my lower half. That comes after the party," he winks cheekily.

I roll my eyes fondly. "Hilarious. But I still don't quite think I should tell you where your clothes are hidden. Watching you search frantically is much more amusing."

Flipping me the bird, Zayn saunters past me to start digging through my dresser. Some would get pissed beyond belief if they ever saw anyone going through their things, but Zayn and I have no boundaries. I'm not a private person, and although Zayn was at first, I brought the mysterious lad out of his shell.

Ten minutes pass of Zayn turning our room upside down in his search of trousers to no avail as I watch peacefully on my bed, casually putting in commentary on Zayn's lack of progress.

Eventually he bumps into his mattress, shifting it a bit, and within five minutes, notices the leg of a pair of jeans poking out from under the mattress toward the head of his bed. He shoots me a nasty glare then flips his mattress off his bed frame, uncovering a dozen pairs of trousers. "I hate you so much," Zayn mutters under his breath and grabs a pair of jeans, pulling them on. "Oh, and by the way," he turns to me with a playful glint in his dark eyes, "I've been wearing your trousers all week."

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