Chapter 10

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For those of you who don't already know or haven't figured it out, I am a major angst writer. Sadly, what's been going on is only the beginning. Prepare yourself for what has yet to come, my lovely readers. This fanfic will send you through a roller coaster.



Chapter 10


I don't see Zayn over the weekend. Saturday afternoon when I had met up with Eleanor and patched things up between us, he had managed to pack away some of his things and disappear again before I returned to the room with one less worry to stress about. That is, until I noticed Zayn's favorite portrait of his family is missing and his bottom drawer is left half open with half as much clothing as it usually holds. The remainder of his things are the only indication that he plans on returning, but that he just needs space. I can only hope he noticed that I fixed up his bed, letting him know he's always welcome back.

Monday rolls around and as soon as I step into my worst class of the day, I notice a familiar head of buzzed hair conversing enthusiastically with a couple girls, one with over sized glasses and the other with over sized eyes. Startled, I approach the boy and when I catch his attention, am greeted by his friendly smile and warm eyes. "Hey, Liam," I grin, "how long have you been in this class?"

Liam laughs wholeheartedly, "The whole time, mate. I always want to come say hello, but every time I see you before the lecture starts, your nose is buried in some book. Then you're gone as soon as class is dismissed."

"Oh," I frown. I can't believe I've never noticed him in this class. "Sorry, mate. I just really can't stand this course."

His eyebrows scrunch together. "Then why are you taking it?" Liam wonders, leading me to my usual seat in the back of the room, sitting down in the empty chair beside it.

I slide into my seat with a grimace on my face. "My counselor hates me. Says that majoring in acting is 'a waste of time' and 'will get me nowhere in life'."

Liam's expression sympathizes, but just as he opens his mouth to respond, our professor is demanding for attention and Liam obediently faces the front, immediately starting on the notes, letting the conversation drop as quickly as it had started.

When the course ends with a shouted, "Don't forget about the exam on Thursday!" from our professor, neither Liam nor I have our next class for another hour, so the two of us go to the bakery on campus, Dark Pastries, seriously craving some chocolate muffins.

Liam opens the door and I am immediately met with the comfortable, palpable smell of baking cakes and cookies. I close my eyes and inhale the aroma that instantly calms my stress and makes me crave muffins even more. A content smile rests gently on my lips before my calm is suddenly shattered by an all too familiar voice shouting, "A dozen chocolate cupcakes for Jane!"

My eyes spring open and there he is. That stupid mop of chocolate curls bouncing around as he scurries about behind the counter, seemingly doing seven things at once. Over the display of treats, I can see a once-white apron tied around his front, but is thoroughly stained with all sorts of ingredients. He smiles at his only companion helping him through the lunch rush hour as she instructs him to bring out the birthday candles for a nine year old boy.

Liam gives me a gentle shove forward reminding me I'm standing in the doorway and getting nasty glares from customers coming in and out of the bakery. Heat rises to my cheeks, and Liam and I move forward to stand in line behind a woman talking animatedly on her blue tooth, swinging her arms around as if who ever is on the other end can see her gestures. When she reaches the counter, she whispers her order to the girl on the other side who has to lean forward to hear her request. Harry casts a look of disdain at the rude customer but proceeds to get her treat as his co-worker returns the change. The woman grabs the bag from Harry much too aggressively and storms out of the bakery, now yelling into her blue tooth.

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