Chapter 14

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Hey everyone! I am so incredibly sorry about the super late update! If you wish to know the reasoning of the delay, message me.

On a side note, I love that you all get along and befriend one another through my fanfics, but would it be okay if you started messaging one another rather than spamming my chapter comments? I love that you are making friends, but those comments are for feedback, and I get frustrated when I look to see opinions but instead see a conversation that has nothing to do with the fic. I'm sorry if I sound rude, I really don't mean to, but I would just greatly appreciate it if you held conversations elsewhere.



Chapter 14


Harry sleeps during the car ride, still exhausted from the eventful day we had yesterday. His temple is pressed against the window and his mouth has fallen open, letting out quiet snores. His hands are in his lap, holding an unopened candy bar that he was going to eat when we got on the road, but fell asleep before he had the chance. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him it's a terrible breakfast.

Welcome to Doncaster. When we pass the sign, a nostalgic smile touches my lips and I reach over and gently shake Harry awake, keeping my eyes on the empty road. Harry grumbles as he wakes up and inhales deeply as he stretches. He rubs his tired eyes then looks out the window, taking in the city we grew up in.

Nothing is said between us as we coast through Doncaster. The music of the radio fills the silence along with the pitter patter of the rain. I drive slowly so Harry can really take in the old city and I wonder what he's thinking. His jaw tightens when we pass the library. He bites his lip when we pass the church. He inhales sharply when we pass the city park.

Maybe he's remembering, a far too optimistic part of my brain says. I try to shut it up so I don't get my hopes too high only for them to be knocked down if he doesn't remember. But I can't help the secret smile stretching my lips at the thought that maybe Harry will remember everything now that his old best friend is here to try to bring back his hidden memories. It might be selfish to think so, but perhaps I'll be the reason Harry's memory comes back. Perhaps it's my destiny or whatever. I'm the reason Harry lost his memory, so I'll be the one to bring it back.

I turn down a familiar road and pull over, setting the car in park. "This was your house, Harry." Only, it no longer seems that way. The brown exterior of his house had been repainted to a bright yellow. The tree that Harry fell out of when he was nine and broke his wrist has been chopped down, leaving a sad stump. The square window on the second floor that I used to throw small rocks at when I wanted him to come out and play now has its curtains drawn; unwelcoming and withdrawn.

Harry's face is nearly pressed against the window, the hand not holding the candy bar pressed to the glass. "I lived there? My whole life? I was only actually there for about two weeks after I woke up before I moved to Cheshire. It looks so different."

I stretch across the console and point out the window. "See that part of the fence? The bit that's darker than the rest?" Harry nods. "When you were still eleven and I had just turned fourteen, we had been sitting in an oak tree that stood right before it, and we were dropping the biggest rocks we could carry from the tree, testing gravity or something. The biggest one we found was too heavy for us to lift, so we rolled it off a branch and killed that part of the fence. I'm surprised the newbies haven't fixed it.

"And see how that window is a bit less transparent than the rest? That's from the time we got locked out of your house and no one was home, but I desperately needed my...well, it's not important. Anyway, we used bricks to break open the window, then we crawled in and got what I needed. When we climbed out of the broken window, your mum and Robin were pulling up in the driveway. We had to do a month's worth of yard work to make up for the damage."

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