The First of Us

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Once Upon a Time...I don't think that is this style of a story. Let's try On One Dark and Stormy Night...That's not anything close to what makes this story. It's not a horror, but a coming of age story about a girl that leaves her family behind to find a new meaning. Her name is Ariel Tasi and this is the story of how she became a Sea Goddess. It was like any other day, the sky was a great red. The river flowed down the island. The girls were wrapping up training, so as they all left to their rooms. Ariel realized how much she felt lonely. This island only houses women. One of the warriors actually had her soulmate on the island, until he vanished. She always dreamt of having a husband and kids like the stories she heard from the inmates at the prison. What do u think she did? It was the night of the annual festival, so the rooms were unlocked all night. She packed a bag up with the essentials, and proceeded to leave the dorms. She made to the outside, following the sound of festivity to The River. All her classmates surround it dancing and shouting. It was a great day indeed. As she snuck past them, she walked to the prison. She made inside using her key. Into the boiler room. She must be going to The Void. A limitless portal that the prisoners always appear forth from it, but what happens when someone goes through this way. Great winds rushing through. All the hair along her body stands up. She stands facing the green glowing energy. Many emotions were expressed on her face. Ariel couldn't back away because the winds began to push and pull her ever so close into The Void. Words can't describe what the inside of a portal looks like, let alone what the first ever portal looks like. I'll just say, its colorful and vivid. Maybe one day you will see the inside of a portal. But as the portal neared its end, Ariel appeared in what resembled an old worship temple. Kind of like the temple that the Spiritual Warrior Women used to worship Queen Cecilia. So she walked around this building, until she fell upon the ground. She gasped for air, but it was not working. The oxygen she was breathing was different from her home world's oxygen. A nearby native boy noticed Ariel and came rushing to her side. The boy took her to the nearest hospital that was 3 miles away. As she was rushed in, all she could hope for was a second chance at living. As she lay on the bed, she tried to take one last breathe, and the heart monitor beeps rapidly and loudly. She had died. The native boy felt obligated to take care of her and set up her funeral. He put her in a coffin and pushed her off in the native river. Slowly her body, sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Now before you think that he stole the corpse, this story takes place before modern funerals. To say goodbye to a person, u would unite them with a body of water, it was an Indian custom. As months pass, seaweed and other oceanic plants begin to wrap around Ariel's corpse. Almost like bandages trying to heal her, the plants latched on tight to her ligaments. This is so weird. As one year passed, since she died, it technically would be the annual festival, so as on her birthside, the women would be giving upon gifts to the ocean. One gift had traveled through The River into the ocean that her corpse sat through. It was a weapon that Ariel had when she was alive, a trident. The trident pierced through the entangling plants and freed Ariel's corpse. As the air pushed her corpse to the surface, her eyes opened wide. She reached for her trident and shot up. The plants transformed her appearance. Long, red hair swept below her waist. A scaly tail matched with scaly breast. She must be the first mermaid, Ariel. All she wanted to do was thank the native boy. She made to the land, looking out for a teepee. And yes, when she flopped her tail on the land, she had legs once again and yes the scales vanished from her barechest. She walked into the first teepee onsite. A tall, muscular native man stood with his back facing her. This man held a necklace that will be a big key in the later half. Make sure to pay attention to this critical item. The man said aloud, not knowing that he wasn't alone, "The next woman that I see, I'll marry her." Anyways, as she stood staring at his back, she said, "Excuse me, sir. I need to find a boy. This boy that saved my life." The man turned to face Ariel. Oh my goodness. This man was the boy. He must've grown up, within that one year. She ran to him, wrapping him up in a hug. The boy said, "How is this possible? I saw you die. I pushed you into your next life." I didn't even have to think to find the words. I knew, even though I didn't know. Like the knowledge touched me. I said, "My name is Ariel and Queen Cecilia must've sent me this trident to free me, as the magic waters touched me. The River broke through the barrier and took upon the ocean on The Annual Festive." We always were told never to touch the water, what if this is so because it has healing properties. Anyways, the native boy, or should I say man now said, "My name is Ezekial and when I thought you were dead, it pushed me to finish my training. My last step to be The Chief is finding a wife to take with me on my next life." Ezekiel knelt down on one knee, and held out the necklace. And before you get your tail in a bunch, this isn't the main part about the necklace that I was talking about. Ezekiel teary eyed and happily said, "Ariel, you were the sign that I've been looking forward to finding. Will you be my Mrs.Chief and marry me?" That was so romantic. Ariel hugged Ezekiel and said, "Yes, I will be happy to marry you. Thank you!"

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