Wyatt Pwante

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A child that had issues. These issues began with being raised by Rayhi and Ramka. They resented Wyatt. They would beat him, if he failed a test. He was locked in the fruit cellar. They would even starve the poor child. But what makes matters worse is that they told Wyatt about his whole family heritage and curse. So naturally, Wyatt would be upset and try to come after me ,right? If only it was that easy, but no he never went after me. Unlike his family, he wants to be a doctor and have his own children one day. So as he neared his seventeenth birthday, he ventured out looking for his wife. What he didn't realize, is that she would find him. It was busy New York day. Traffic buzzing about, people rushing by, and loudness echoing through the city. Wyatt stops at a coffee shop on his way to interview for a job as a doctor. He picks up his morning latte and steps back out into the busy sidewalks. As he rushes to the Hospital, he bumps into a lady. Spilling twenty-two ounces of hot beverage all over her white dress shirt. Now, what generally would happen is Wyatt helped clean her up, but as he did, his hand caressed her boob. So this lady smacked Wyatt on the cheek and stormed forward. Wyatt continued his way to the hospital. He arrived. Taking a step toward the reception desk, Wyatt says, "Hello, Miss, I have an interview with Doctor Bimgen." The nurse quickly says, "Take a seat at a chair and the doctor will be out shortly." As time passes by, the nurse takes me to the back. As I'm walked into Doctor Bimgen's office, I recognized her. This lady was the lady that wore my latte. I naturally felt incredibly bad, but at the end of the day, I knew it was caused by my curse. I sit down, hoping she doesn't recognize me. She says, "Honestly, I don't wanna consider you for the job, since you spilled coffee on me, but at the end of the day, we all have bad days. And I assume that you are good at modern medicine. And I don't say this often, but your hot." I blushed and quickly responded with, "Yes, Ms.Bimgen, I feel bad for your spilling my coffee on you. I'll pay for your dry cleaning. My family is loaded, since my mom inherited a whole lot of money from her ex husband. And alas, I may be hot, but I carry a curse that I dont want anyone else to have to deal with, including my girlfriend or my daughter, for if I was to have any of course." You should've seen how quickly Doctor Bimgen's eyes lit up, she said, "Was it Earth that cursed you? I've been cursed to by him. He cursed me with the cruellest intention of not being fertile." Wyatt says, "So I can throw you atop this desk, and make live to you without wearing any protection?" Wyatt and Doctor Bigmen start making out and we jump to about nine months later. Yup, it was true love that lifted the curse on Krystal Bigmen's womb. She birthed a daughter on The Annual Festival. This child is none other than Destiny Delmar. If your wondering about her last name, Wyatt wanted her for take up the original family name and use it as some sort of hope and potential at being a better self because Wyatt thought his curse was lifted, but, in fact, it was only the tip of the iceberg. Wyatt did become a great doctor. And now we end Wyatt at 18 years old.

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