Destiny Delmar

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As many first time parents, their is a great struggle for taking care of an infant. This was especially important for Wyatt and Kristy because they were always looking for the girl with the necklace. Yes, that girl is none other than Wendy Belle. As time passed, the arctic did change. Those very waters, still reside their, as a river. And a taco bell makes up near many great buildings. So the snow must've melted over those many decades. The Bigmen' didn't wanna harm Wendy Belle, but they also assumed that she wouldn't hand over the necklace. So they planned a fake robbery to take the necklace. This is a point in time that I will always regret, but I won't feel guilt over. They were in the Taco Bell that Wendy Belle owned. She was working cash register. They had a grocery shopping cart with Destiny in it, masks on their faces. And guns pointed at Wendy Belle. Wendy gave up using her powers because she always wanted to be a better person, a peaceful person, so in this instance, Wendy didn't attack back. She handed them the necklace that Wyatt demanded. And of course the money, but they weren't after the money. Wyatt and Kristy take everything outside, as they wait by the river. Looking in the bag for the necklace, they realized that they dropped it on their way out. It must've fell in a sewage drain. And this is were the story gets sad, and Wyatt feels the worst part of his curse. I show up and I assumed it was a robbery. So, what I did was shoot a blast of energy at them. My powers were steal healing from More Things Change, so they were off by a few inches and I shot Destiny into the river. What no one knew is that the necklace ended up in the river through the sewer, so as this relic resided in the water, it temporarily turned the water into The River's water and Destiny became a demon and ended up in hell, as a cursed stripper that would please Lucifer. And if you haven't figured it out yet. Wendy Belle's necklace was meant to call Ariel. They knew a secret that even Ariel didn't know. Ariel had the ability to remove curses. And also if you haven't realized Wyatt's curse was to be separated by his child, while Destiny's curse was also her power and her moral. She could remember her whole family lineage, but not do anything to stop it because her other curse was to always serve Lucifer or anyone of greater power.
The End
If you think I can make a sequel to this shoot me some ideas

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