Clifford Delmar

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So, I don't know if u read about Harriet Delmar in the other book, but here is a rundown. A murderous and vengeful mother took her son, Clifforf Delmar, on a killing spree and I found them. I ended up cursing their whole lineage. And yeah I do feel bad, but then again, the bitch deserves it. Also who sleeps with a tribal native American. Am I right? So we are gonna talk about Clifford. So he was all grown up and he wanted to know his dad. So he went on and found the location to the tribe. He ended up visiting it, but what he found was more disappointing. The tribe was split down the center. The Merfolk and The Natives lost even ground and vowed a war all because of Ramka, who is Clifford's daddy. Clifford didn't know he had a curse until he couldn't go into the ocean to look for Ramka. He was expelled forth from entering ancient waters. But that wasn't all of his curses. He has another that we will explore later. Clifford ends up giving up on finding his father, so he visits The Scoop in Arizona. And as he sits licking his ice cream cone, he notices a woman. This woman was an amazing piece of fashion to Clifford. He followed her out of the building, to her car. He made his way inside and seduced Carmen Kringle. They ended up making a child, Kris Kringle.

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