Nicholas Kringle

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So this part is gonna be a bit different. Clifford and Carmen didn't work out well. Clifford's last curse was involving losing the people he loved the most. Carmen and Kris had to leave because Clifford was abusive to both of them. So Carmen changed her name to Sandra, and yes Kris became Nicholas. The growing up pains was ridiculous. Nicholas never had any friends. And yes he was that creepy kid that sat in the back of the class, that we all thought would be either a school shooter or a rapist. Now he doesn't become a rapsit until he reaches his point of power. Nicholas grew up with as little hope as possible. And Carmen, oh right, Sandra, had an arranged marriage set for Nicholas. Her name was Rayhi. She thought Nicholas was ugly, but she agreed to marry him because his family was loaded from some bank robberies that Sandra committed to change their names. So Rayhi and Nicholas were on a private jet for their honeymoon in Antarctica, but Rayhi had different plans. She was gonna abandon Nicholas and stand him in the arctic ocean. So as the plains landed, they stepped out and Rayhi said, "I forgot my lipstick on the jet. I'll be right back, boo." And that was the last time Nicholas saw Rayhi. He was stick in the arctic for about twelve hours. He was walking around the arctic, when he stumbled upon a wooden sign sticking forth from the snow. It read North Pole. Nicholas pulled the sign out of the snow. And a puddle of water was right there. He drank forth from the water, as he collapsed downward toward the snow covered ground. The snow liquified and became a river pulling Nicholas to Hell. This snow was that same river that saved Ariel many years ago. Yes, the tribe was originally located in The Arctic Ocean. So this man becomes Saint Nicholas or Santa Clause. And he is a demon that works for Lucifer Morningstar. Santa Clause is best known for watching kids sleep that's because Nicholas did become a rapist after his death. And his punishment was to be endowed by one king and be imprisoned up until two days a year. Now let's see what Rayhi was up to. So Rayhi was actually from the tribe and she was supposed to be Ramka's first wife. And what makes matters worse is that she is carrying Nicholas' son, Wyatt Pwante.

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