Owen's Light

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Third entry          

POV: Your's

Word: Compassion 


"Your alone," A euphonic voice that was toted with an angelic Scottish accent made your heart begin to heighten its paces with a booming throd in your sweat covered chest.

In your mind, it's a relief, to hear such a calm song, like singing from the heavens above. It gave you a sweet remorse from the agonizing sounds of the war, that tended to make your ears ring in an overwhelming conclusion. Your skin welted, as the incandescent flames from the sun looming overhead baked you like Dantooinian garfish, as soon your skin would peel back like the rough Viney skin that your fingers that were soft as silk were pull back to reveal the tart, slimy, glazing inside of the fruit that made your mouth simply water as the salvia began to build up, dreaming for the moment you would put the delicate crop.

Your ash-filled eyes, that stung further and further with every unbearable blink, stared upon the very face that loomed in front of you. It was hard to tell for the thick muclent mud was spread across his whole face, leaving nothing but his naturally prominent, astonishing bright blue eyes are all that stood out from the dark brown mixture that seeped on his face, running down onto his clothes. Maybe it was the dying darkness of the mud that would soon be dried like hard cement that gave a scrap anytime you fall, but his eyes were translucent, brighter than any pair you have ever seen. Maybe it was him, maybe his eyes reflect the pureness that laid within his heart.

"General!" The familiar voice of the armored clone troopers made him swing his head back towards the source of the sound. The mud that swung off his face in a liquidy flash before it hit your knee. Your eyes shot down to it with slow motions as you carefully watch the mixture that was a combination of water and dirt seep into the thick rudgey material of your cargo pants, the dirt separating as it was too heavy to pass through.

When you had looked back up, the golden rays of the sunny almost red from all the bloodshed on that field, he was gone, out of sight, ran off to his side of the war. He was right you were alone. You sat back against the wood burdened tree, your head dizzied from the blood you had lost from the gash on the top of your head. The thick blood had dried on your cheek, you felt it stuck there like plasture, as fresh blood still trickled into the corner of your mouth, the sharp taste of iron resided on your tongue. 

Your eyes flickered up to the bright sky that tried to gleam through the dust that gathered around the buzzing field. 3 bright spheres that were of different gentle color gradients gleamed through the sky that had a blue hint of transparency. You recognized them, as the nearest planets; the systems. 

Your ears drowned out the sharp flares of the blasters that flew past your head, but you could smell the burning that each laser carried as the red flame blared from the gun, sending red flashes in your eyes. You gripped the hunk of metal that sat in your hand, as you closed your all gently, letting it all slip away as you could feel the ash particles stuck in the wet sticky overlay of your eyes. You let your finger slip down the fine ridges of medal that you had taken days to engrave, ripping away the life that had owned it.  You felt out, you let everything feeling in your body, your senes, your mind, quiet as you felt it, the mass, the cone as they ran towards you, their blaster fire missing your head every time. The tree began to burn hotter and hotter as more and more blasts of the burning red plasma made holes in the aged bark.

As the mass shortened in you waited for the right moment, the very right moment, and that's when you swung, the blazing brr sound slicing the clone that despised with every inch of your body. You didn't even bother to look over at the body, after all, you knew you that you succeed. You brought the hunk of medal back to you as you designated the blade. A lightsaber was a handy weapon, after all it could slice through everything except for beskar, but you preferred a metal strong sword, such as the one that would fall out at the end of your hilt.

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