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Seventh Writing prompt! :) This is so exciting!

Word: Last (heheheh) 

Warning: Corpses XD Idk Death lol souls leaving and just some deep thoughts I guess lol

Anywhooooooooo hope you enjoy :) 

The time came when the time came. It would always come, to would come for everyone, and so it did for me. 

The end of the battle came in this day, the day I had remembered the exact date since it happened. the day of the fall; the day when everything I knew was destroyed. Of course, it would bring the end of my reign with a foul swoop. 

The wind blew like the raging roar of a beast whose only desire was to destroy, to kill. The windows raged shaking like the whole house on Onderon as it the house at any minute would drop down being swallowed in a big gripping mouth of the earth, and everyone inside would be swallowed whole with no chance to even scream. 

I looked up at the bright light of white that shone outside, the struggle to even just simply look up got to me as a shuddering ache slammed my spine back against the bed I had grown to despise since I was bedridden to it. Even though I had only gotten a quick glance I knew the gardens of land had been swept with the gentle touch of the glistening snow that would make the offset like a glow, no matter how battering the wind was. 

Somewhere outside all the creatures were huddling up close to try and stay warm in the deathly cold, staying warm being their only one desire, their only thought in the moment. It only all just made me think of other storms such as this. 

"Here you go 'Soka," His soft voice rang out in my ears almost as if he was still here, his young fun voice that was touched lightly with fingerprints of an accent. He had handed me a piping mug of hot chocolate that bared the single chip in the handle from when I had dropped it the first time I stayed. 

"Thank you, Lux," I gave him a gentle grin, the grin that we shared as the thermogenic clay made my small orange painted fingers buzz as the coldness that layered deep inside of them began to dethaw and replace it with a relaxing warmth. 

He sat next to me within the blanket, wrapping every inch of us inside the concealed blanket. he was mine, he was good, he was there until he was gone. He didn't leave me, he didn't leave me like the first did. 

"Cold day, eh snips?" Anakin's voice always had a joking matter to it when he teased me, such as he did on this day. I strode up behind him my body struggling to stop shaking in the sharp wind that brushed against your face like thousands of tiny little needles. 

"Y-yup," I swear you could hear my teeth chattering as I stuttered to him. I looked up at him wearily as in the top of my eyesight the grey fur that lined my brown well used hood began to crystalize in the conditions. 

"Hey cheer up Snips, this will be fun, a little snow can't hurt you, well er it can but at least it's not sand," he shrugged as he gave me that smile, that smile that always meant he was covering up his failure for proper words for me. 

I rolled my eyes in amusement, it was the usual sky guy. "Actually sand sounds really nice right now," I remarked back at him wishing I was on a nice warm beach the blazing hot sand under my feet that would puff up from the heat from the sun that the sand absorbed over time. "I don't like the cold," 

"I know you don't but you have to realize that the cold comes and sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't get warm, and even if you do you can't stay warm," 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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