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"Happiness looks good on you but
somehow, sadness too"

"But what really happened?" Breanna took a sip from the glass in between her pointer and middle finger "What made Uncle Hwang change his mind?"

"'Cause Min Yoongi's here." a sound of slap could be heard, "Stop day dreaming." Namjoon glared at the pale man sitting beside him.

Yoongi gave his hyung a knitted together eyebrows, cooling his heels for Namjoon's reply. "What's that for?" rubbing the spot his hyung hit earlier "I really am the one who gave them a scheme!"

"Yeah, Yoongi's the mastermind."

"You are the only one on my side, hyung." Jin clicked his tongue and pointed at Yoongi.

"But girls," Namjoon coughed. "It'd be nice if the answer you were looking for comes from the maknae line's own mouth."

The girls nodded.

The girls' stares sent cues to the three youngest at the table; anticipating for an answer which made Taehyung break the heavy atmosphere.

"We already knew it. Even before Mr. Hwang could announce it to the public." Taehyung's intertwined hands was found above the table, leaning in or probably seeking a comfortable position.

Étoile's curiosity increases with the man's words, what does he mean by that? the four of them thought the same.

Jimin took the chance to answer their silent queries, "Iyah informed us about it. The night she got a call from her father." The girls' faces are less tensed compared to earlier "So, we made a plan."

"A plan to stop the marriage arrange."

"It's 'arranged marriage', Jin."

"I'm not great with english, Namjoon-ah!"

All of them laughs.

"Baby," Jeongguk calls his girlfriend, or should I say, his fiancé. Breanna hummed in reply as she gave her full attention to him. "Remember when I found you in the middle of the night holding a frying pan?"

"Oh God, don't ever— Oh my!" Breanna hides herself in Jeongguk's back. Her fiancé could hide her entirely with just sitting straight— that's one of the purpose why Jeongguk's muscles decides to get bigger.

"Why the fvck you holding a frying pan? Are you re-acting Avengers?" Yoongi's hobby ignited like flame. Teasing. Everyone laughs, even the target.

"I heard Iyah's voice from downstairs and I got so scared!" Breanna crossed her arms to her chest "Throw your judgements away, hmp."

"Back to the topic," here comes the stopper, Namjoon. "After Iyah told us that, these three idiots cried so hard as if meats already extinct." I guess he's not the stopper.

"Even shrimps too!"

"No! Only meat!"

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