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"there are no secrets that time does not reveal."

"Hey," Jeongguk calls out his girlfriend who seemed so mesmerized by the scenery over the window.

Breanna flashes a smile as her gaze met Jeongguk's, "Hey." She accepted the plate of waffles decorated with whipped cream and different kinds of berries and a small bowl of maple syrup, followed by a mumbled 'thank you'.

"What have you girls been doing these past few days?" Jeongguk took a forkful of his morning dish.

"Nothing, just looking through the files of—"

"Files of?"

Breanna gulped hardly even though the soft waffle is already crushed and easily to swallow. "N-nothing! Psh, it's nothing."

"You know you're scratching the back of your neck when lying."

"Fvck." Breanna sighs. "You knew me too well."

"Files of what?" Jeongguk sent threatening glares.

Breanna gulped for the second time this morning, "Files of the, uhm, office! Just... just office files."

"You're scratching again."


"Again, files of what?" This is when Breanna's fright came in. Once Jeongguk repeated the question, she knew he's serious, dead serious.

"Files of the most wanted criminals in the city." Breanna gave in. "Happy?"

Jeongguk once more took a forkful of his dish, "And why?" Breanna knew he would ask. "For the company we're working at." She excuses.

Jeongguk stared at her, reading and testing the depth of her soul, "hm?"

Breanna thinks Jeongguk is starting to fall for her excuses, "Uncle Hwang sent us orders to find their background and all— for the company's safety."

Jeongguk slowly nods and seemed contented and convinced which Breanna took it as a chance to eat silently.

"You know I don't believe you, right?"

Of course, you wouldn't. Breanna rolled her eyes.

"Spill or punish—"

"Ugh!" Breanna stood up "I told you it is for the company's safety!" And then stormed out of the room.

Jeongguk loves bullying his girlfriend. He really is contented and convinced with her answer earlier, but he loves to tease her. He was about to follow his fiancé when Breanna's phone rang.



"Nicole!" Jimin cupped Nicole's face full of sweat. I know something's bothering you. Jimin thought.

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