1.11 rooftop chatters

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When Wooyoung reached the top of the building, he immediately noticed the taller boy sitting near the entrance. He walked over and quietly sat down next to him. What he hadn't expected was for the other to glare at him with a gaze of anger, disappointment and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew those guys?"

"What did I do wrong, Mingi? Tell me. You don't seem to get along well with Yunho. Why?"

"That's none of your business..."

"Wow, I'm hurt. I thought I was your friend... Looks like you never thought about me that way. I'll just go now and not bother you any longer. See you in class later."

"No! Stay here. I'm sorry. It's just... really frustrating whenever I see that guy."

Mingi sighed.

"I can't tell you everything just yet. It's a bit too personal for me, so unless Yun- I mean "that guy" tells you, then maybe I will have to. Give both sides of the story, y'know?"

"I understand. Is there anything you CAN tell me about what happened, though?"

"What I can say, is that yes, we used to be friends, at the start of the first year. But we fell out near the end. The whole group of them pushed me away and out of their clique. I'm sorry that I lied to you. I'm not that lonely; I did have friends here. It's just that people don't always have the best relationships."

There was a long pause of silence.

"I'm sorry too, for judging you based on that. It's just... You did look very lonely sitting up here by yourself. Also, I forgive you this time, but don't make lying to me a complete habit!"

"I won't! I promise. Sworn on the tail of Samantha. And believe me, that's a very, very strong promise."

"Who the hell is Samantha?!"

"Hahah, I don't even know a Samantha! Nah, she's my goldfish! I swear, she has like the most beautiful tail fin I've ever seen. Every single fish in the sea is probably jealous of her tail..."

"Was that a blatant lie I heard?"

"No it wasn't! She told me so herself!"

"And that makes two, isn't it?"

"What makes you think I'm lying?!"

"Goldfish don't come from the sea you numpty."


"Pfft. You're actually really fun to hang out with, Mingi. Like you could do with some work but you're just overall a really nice person."

"Thanks... But what's the second part supposed to mean?"

"Oh, it's getting late. Heheh. We should probably head back downstairs to the classrooms, yeah?"


The twosome left the rooftop, Mingi making sure he had picked up all his trash before they both headed off down flight after flight of stairs, neither speaking, but both knowing exactly what the other was thinking.

"What other secrets are you hiding?"


Wooyoung stuck his head into the lunch hall for a brief moment. He wanted to check if the others were still there. Fortunately, they weren't. However, that meant that they could be anywhere in the school, which isn't such a good sign. And of course, with his significantly depleted levels of fortune, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Where have YOU been, hmm?"

"Look, Yunho, you don't have the right to stick into my business. What I decide to do is something that I'd up to me."

"You went to look for that traitor, didn't you? I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want you anywhere near him.."

Wooyoung exploded. And on his first week of school, no less.

"Why are you so insistent on that?! Mingi has been very nice to me! He's so lonely.... Why are you so hypocritical?!"

Yunho's face flushed to a bright red, anger quickly flooding all his features. Instead of shouting, like Wooyoung had, his voice went to a quiet whisper, laced with the hints of annoyance and infuriation.

It probably would have been better if he had shouted. It's scary when people become like that. You have no idea what's going through their minds; what they are plotting.

"You don't have any ideas about the things he does, the things he did. What makes you think he's no harm at all? Just because he seems lonely?!" he hissed.

"Whatever. I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now."

Wooyoung stalks off down the hallway, headed to his next class, which thankfully, he had checked its location when he had been upstairs, leaving Yunho standing by himself at the front doors of the canteen, wondering what he could do next to prevent any more contact between the two.

"Didn't know I was a traitor now, you hypocrite."


Wooyoung couldn't keep his mind on any of the lessons after lunch, which did earn him a few warnings from the teachers. He really wasn't able to concentrate anyway. What could have gone down to make a friendship go so wrong?

His current thoughts were then interrupted by a voice. One that was deep but sounded soft, almost caring.

"Um... Wooyoung?"

"Ahhhh... What?"

"The lesson's over."

"Oh. I see. Thanks."

"No problemo. It's nice to meet you."

The unknown guy turned to leave when Wooyoung hastily called out.

"Wait! I don't remember seeing you before. Do we only have this class together? Also, what's your name?"

"I'm from the homeroom next door, so I did see you pass by this morning. Some of the classes are combined, but it only just so happens that we share this class and timing. I'm Yeosang by the way."

"It's nice to meet you too, Yeosang. I'd introduce myself but I see you already know my name so never mind. I'll just stay here a little while longer. Thanks for the reminder."

"Okay, just remember to turn the lights off later when you're leaving. See you tomorrow."

And with that, Yeosang left, leaving Wooyoung to his never ending fountain of thoughts and slowly but steadily disappearing down that black hole.


It had only been a few minutes since Yeosang left, but Wooyoung heard someone calling out his name once again. He looked up in the direction of the concerned sounding voice and was a little surprised to see that it was Seonghwa.

"What are you still doing here?"

"I was... Thinking. I know that doesn't sound like a good excuse but I really needed to."

"That's alright. We do need a little time to ourselves sometimes, but maybe wait till you get home first? We're closing the school for the day, I'm just checking to make sure no one gets locked in. Luckily, I found you. If not you'd be here until morning."

Wooyoung nodded, deciding it would be better to not say anything since Hwa already sounded exasperated.

"Come on, let's get you out of here and back home."


Hey everyone!

So, unfortunately, this is gonna be the last update for a short while since I'll be going on a writing hiatus. My messages and pms are still open if you ever want to reach me, but the writing will be temporarily stopped as I need to focus on getting through my last few weeks of school haha.

Thanks for all the support I've been receiving on this story! I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! :)

See you soon! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

~cey xoxo

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