1.8 unavoidable

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"Hey, I had no idea we were going to be in the same class. This is great!"

"Yes... So very great..." Wooyoung muttered under his breath. What in the world did he do to get such cursed luck? Maybe it was some past life shit that occurred.

"What was that? Sorry, I don't hear very well cause apparently I was involved in some accident when I was younger."

"N-nothing. I just said that it was great to be in the same class with a familiar face."  Way too familiar.

"It's pretty cool, not gonna lie. When I first came here, I didn't know anybody from the school. But Hongjoong made me feel really welcome during the tour, and I've made a couple of new friends."

A couple? Pffft. Wooyoung noticed that almost everybody in the class, as they entered would purposefully pass by San's table just to say hi and maybe interact a while before heading to their own respective desks. Clearly he was the "popular" kid.

Instead of being snarky, however, he decided to take the "nicer" route. He wasn't going to make an enemy on his first day, even though he had already been an enemy before.

"That's good. I mean, it isn't easy moving schools, let alone to a state that you're totally unfamiliar with. Are you from this state?"

Wooyoung decided to probe, wondering if San would remember where he had come from. If he did, maybe he would have to retreat even further.

"No, I'm not born and raised here. I was born in another state, but we moved here when I was 9 or 10. I don't remember much about the former home." He seemed rather sad that he couldn't remember, and Wooyoung felt a little bad for bringing it up. Not a lot, because he was still unsure of whether San remembered or not, but just a little.

"Still, I'm just gonna live my best life here. That's all that counts to me!"

"Oh, the teachers here. I'd better ask about my seat." There couldn't have been a better time. "Oh okay! I still can't believe we're in the same class too! See you at lunch later!"

Wooyoung bid him a goodbye despite probably being a few desks away or something. Fate finally did something in his favour. He walked over to the front of the classroom and bowed to the teacher, who was seated at the front desk. "Good morning, sir! I'm Wooyoung, the new student. May I know which desk has been allocated to me?" "Ah, yes, Jung Wooyoung. You're in the back row, 3rd from the right, beside Mr Song over there."

Fate had done a second thing in his favour. He walked over to the tall boy who had shaken off his sleepiness and was now sitting at attention.

"Hey, it looks like I'll be sitting next to you."


The first lesson, which had been pretty boring, thankfully ended quickly. I mean, how many times does he need to be told the rules of the school or the safety regulations. What he learned from Mingi subsequently was that the homeroom lesson was on every day, every week, but the teachers usually came for the first ten minutes to take attendance before leaving, allowing the students to have an additional fifty minutes or so of rest.

All Wooyoung was thankful about was that he wouldn't need to hear this anymore for some time. It wasn't long before the bell rang.

Unfortunately, Mingi wasn't taking the same subject as Wooyoung for the next period. The class would split in half and combine with different classes for separate subjects depending on their majors. That was a ridiculous arrangement. Why couldn't they ensure everyone taking the same major subjects were in the same class together? It would make things so much easier.

Now, Wooyoung wasn't sure where he was supposed to go, even after referring to the time table. He had made his way to the right block, but had no idea how to get to the classroom.

He lingered outside the doorway of the block, wondering how he would get there seeing as everyone had left already. Perhaps fate decided to pity him once again, because in the next minute, who would have rounded the corner but that Yunho guy he met yesterday. The one who's friends with Hongjoong.

"Hey, Yunho! I'm not sure how to get to this classroom. Could you help me?"

"Sure! Just let me hurry to my class to inform the teacher. They won't penalise me for being late if I explain why first. Hold on a second."

He entered the block and ran ahead to a classroom a few doors down and stuck his head in the doorway. "Hey Mr Kwon, I'm gonna be a bit late cause I'm helping a new student find his classroom. Okay bye see you later!" He didn't even wait for the teacher to respond before running back to Wooyoung and stating: "Let me see your timetable."

Wooyoung pulled his timetable out from the outer pocket of his backpack and handing it to Yunho, flattening out the creases as he did. "Oh, you're at the same classroom as me! What a coincidence! Okay then, just follow me."

They entered the classroom that Yunho had stuck his head into prior and Wooyoung made his way to the teachers desk while the taller headed to his desk.

"Oh Jeong you're back already? Probably should have told you that there's a new student in our class. But, then again, you didn't wait to listen." the teacher jested the tall boy.

Yunho sat down at his seat and saluted the teacher with a sheepish grin on his face, clearly they were on good terms.

"Good morning sir! I apologise for being late. I got a little lost. My name is Wooyoung."

"Mr Jung, yes? That's alright considering it's your first week. We all take time to get used to new situations. However, do take note that I will be strict about lateness starting from next week. Head to your desk. It's the one in the second row, first from the right. Next to Mr Choi."

Oh god.

"Hey Woo!"

A/N: HALP!!!! unfortunately this is the last full chapter I have written :( I don't have time to write recently due to assignments. I'll try my best to write over the weekend so this story can have at least one more update. Keeping my hopes up! Thanks for the support on this story! :)

~cey xx

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