1.3 the tour continues

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"This is the science block. You can clearly tell based on the colour of the walls. Over here, the walls are green. To represent like plants or something, I'm not that sure either. Nobody bothers to find out anyway. If you didn't notice, or you probably did but didn't care, the colour of the walls for each subject block is different. That's another way to tell them apart."

Hongjoong rattles on and on to Wooyoung about the school, occasionally adding in a brief anecdote about something he encountered if it seemed appropriate. And of course, if it related to what he was sharing.

"So, um, we've been to the admin building, homeroom blocks, library, language blocks, the math block, science blocks and humanities blocks," Hongjoong counted off on his fingers. "E-le-ven. Yep! That's all the services and subject buildings. I guess that just leaves the activities blocks. Come on, this has got to be the best part of any school, right? Gaja!"

Wooyoung wished he shared Hongjoong's enthusiasm. He seemed so full of life and excitement even though it was still decently early in the morning. Normally, at this hour, he would still be dead asleep, and right now, he wished he could just jump right back into bed and sleep the rest of the morning away. But clearly, Hongjoong showed no signs of stopping halfway.

They literally walked halfway across the school to get to the sports halls and activities block. After seeing the sheer size of the area, Wooyoung wasn't surprised about why they built it so far out of the way. It was massive.

The sports halls were housed in one building, while the auditorium/concert hall, various studios and club rooms were housed in another. Other than those, they literally had a full fledged stadium of sorts, with a synthetic grass field in the middle for the sport activities, complete with the various white markings for football, soccer, rugby etc, and a running track surrounding it.

"This is the stadium. You'll probably end up practicing here if you choose any outdoor sporting activities. Occasionally, there are events held here, whether it be sports days or friendly matches amongst ourselves or with other schools. It's pretty impressive, don't you think?"

Standing from high up in the stands where they were now, Wooyoung could see how dedicated they were about their extracurricular activities. Sure, working hard was important, but learning to relieve the stress and having some fun was just as vital.

"Okay, that's checked, so now let's go to the sports halls."

The indoor sports hall was similar to every other sports hall in the world. Rectangular in shape, markings on the floor, pull out stands surrounding the sides except for the entrance, all the works. There was also a second level of stands, also surrounding the center court, the only difference being that the overhead stands had to be entered from the outside via the fire escape-like staircases.

Currently, because the semester hasn't started in full force, there were folded ping pong tables pushed into the far corner of the gym and net stands in the other. It was standard, and Wooyoung appreciated that, but this was not the part that he was most interested in.

"Umm, is it okay if we move on? I'd really like to see the rest of the activities facilities."

He had said all this rather softly, contrary to his normal loud, high pitched speaking voice. Fortunately, Hongjoong still heard him, and he seemed rather pleased to have gotten a response from the boy, having not heard him speak much throughout their entire walk-through.

"Yeah, if you're sure! Let's go then!"

It was a short distance to the next block, but Wooyoung noticed a drastic change in the environment. The gym gave off an air that seemed so full of vigor while this block gave off a completely different vibe. It seemed so regal, genteel and peaceful. Both blocks look exactly the same upon first sight, however, the feelings they gave were so unidentical it was uncanny.

path to dazzling lights // ateez high school au {on hold}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora