Chapter 2

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Raph runs over to Mike and move the metal pieces of wall asside.

A groan of pain manages to escape Mikey's lips. Raph helps his baby brother sit up and turn to Leo "Hey uhh Leo? Orders?" Donnie called out waiting for Leo to give orders.

Raph hated it. He hated taking orders from Leo. He hated taking orders from anyone.

Leo opens his mouth to speak but Raoh cuts him off "We retreat!" Raph gives out the orders. "Donnie, you help Mikey and I'll go help Leo"

Donnie looks at Leo and they both nod at eachtoher. Donnie then makes his way to Mikey and Raph makes his to Leo who is cornered.

Leo had taken a few hits. His left shoulder had a few cuts and bruises and his other arm has been shot a couple of times.

Raph throws a shuriken at the giant droid before jumping to Leo's side and throwing a smoke bomb.

The brothers gather up at a rooftop after making their escape. "Thanks Raph" Leo says to Raph giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Not a problem bro" Raph replies with a smirk.

"Uh we should take a look at that" Donnie speaks up motioning to Leo's arm. "It's bruised and cut pretty badly"

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's head back to the lair" Raph states running ahead of his brothers.

Don carries Mikey on his shell and follows. So does Leo.

After a while of running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop they finally make it to an alleyway with a manhole cover in the centre.

Leo lifts the cover and signals his brothers to enter. Once they're all safe and in the sewer he looks around before jumping in and closing the cover.

They reach the lair and put Mikey on a bed in the lab. Donnie gives Mikey a quick check up before telling his brothers that Mikey was fine.

Leo was about to leave when "Hey Fearless, we still need to take a look at your arm!" Raph calls out.

Leo sighs and walks back to his brothers. Donnie checks his arm and treats it with bandages after cleaning the wounds. Leo hisses in pain but let's his purple cladded turtle brother do his thing.

"You won't be able to fight with that arm for a while, ok Leo?" Donnie states after he finishes treating his brother's wounds.

Leo nods and Donnie leaves his three brothers in the lab. Raph turns his attention to his brother who is staring at his shoulder with blank eyes.

"Somethings troubling you, Leo" Raph points out.

"No I'm fine. It's nothing" Leo insists.

Raph grumbles in frustration since he's getting no where with this conversation. "No it isn't Leo. You're not acting like yourself!" Raph calls his brother out.

"It's just- I don't feel like a good leader yknow?" Leo states. "you and the rest never actually listen to my orders and when you all do, someone gets hurt"

Raph was slightly taken back but half of him expected this. Of course it was something stupid like this that Leo was concerned about.

"That's stupid Leo" Raph says earning a chuckle from his brother. "You're a great leader. Now stop sulking and go watch some Space Heroes or something"

"Thanks Raph" Leo smirks at his younger brother.

"Yea yea whatever" Raph returns his brothers simrk.

Leo's Final Stand [Tmnt 2012] ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora