Chapter 5 - Claire

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6:47 p.m. BTS – 7/15/341 U.M.

6:47 a.m. SET – 7/16/341 U.M.

"I can't believe it!" Roland exclaims happily, yet again, as we eat a meatless taco salad. Meat is a rarity and is, therefore, a delicacy in The System. There is an alternative to traditional meat, thanks to the fish-capturing machine at the water filtering plant, but my aunt hates seafood. Not that I'm complaining too much. My dad and uncle both love fish, and it is something you can grow tired of.

Aunt Lila barely conceals a smirk as she takes a bite of the heavily seasoned beans.

Roland, after getting over his initial shock of my outburst and being chosen as a Protector, has been jabbering non-stop about what this means for his future.

"I could visit Kusoi," he says, staring off into the distance, a forgotten forkful of food in his hand. "Imagine," he says, looking over to me, "All the different planets...."

"I'll settle for the ones that speak English," I say, taking a bite.

"You need to sign up for the Keeper Eligible Ceremony thing," Roland presses, in a much more serious tone, "I'll back you up."

I smile at him. "Thanks, but the last day you could sign up was last Saturday. Besides. If I were a Keeper, I'd be stuck here in Buatar for the rest of my life. No thanks."

He shrugs sadly, and returns to his plate.

Aunt Lila wipes her mouth with a blue cloth napkin before saying. "We are still going to the ceremony, so I expect the both of you to look and behave your best." She shoots me a look. The first rebuke I have gotten since this afternoon.

I want to argue, but then remember my promise to Tehglo. I suppose I owe him now anyway, because of Roland. Besides, I don't think it wise to push my aunt's patience, not after she was so lenient with me earlier.

So I just nod.


8:54 p.m. – 7/16

I sit with my back against my door, staring off into the ocean.

Every year, for twelve years, I have gone to the Ceremony. This time, I really don't want to go. My gut twinges with guilt and uncertainty.

Tightening my grip around my knees, I stare vacantly through the glass wall of my room.

My stomach feels queasy. I know that I should attend, to act like a true Tuhiynian and show support. But is it wrong to be sick of pretending to be something that everyone reminds you that you are not?

Finally, I pull myself up, close the curtain around the curved glass wall, and pull on my pajamas. I go out into the hallway over to the bathroom, where I brush my teeth. Feeling worn out from an entire day where people have either criticized or praised me for talking back to Head Leader Mehre (me not knowing which was worse), I then fall into bed.

Sleep doesn't come easy, and I end up opening the curtain just enough to be able to see out into the vast ocean. I stare for a long while, and eventually drift off.

I wake up the next morning, stomach in knots. The ceremony is tomorrow, and I won't even be a part of it.

I glance at the clock. 6:28 am.

Sighing, I slip out from under the warm covers, and my feet land flatly on the cool floor. Shivering slightly, I change out of my warm pajamas and pull on a gray and mint green shirt, zipping it up to my chin and buttoning the strap on my right shoulder. I pull on knee–length shorts, which match the green in my shirt. Slowly, I pull open the drawer with all my accessories. Shiny ribbons and jewelry wink back at me in the low light. Aunt Lila would have a heart attack at the lack of order. Finally, I find a small hair tie and pull my mass of dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. It's a little messy, but who cares? According to my research, this is stylish by the Earth's standards. At least, it was twelve years ago.

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