Chapter 13 - Claire

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6:14 p.m. BTS – 7/24/341 U.M.

6:14 a.m. SET – 7/24/341 U.M.

"Mom, what do Earthlings use as money?" I try to ask this as a throwaway question, of no importance. I already know, of course, but this is the path to my real question.

My mother tenses, and ceases stirring the contents of a pot for a moment.

"It depends on the country," she finally replies, resuming her dinner preparations.

I place my elbows on the counter, cupping my chin in my hands. "What about where you came from? America?"

Mom glances over at me, looking suspicious. "Paper bills. Most of the time, though, we used plastic cards and digital money."

A few weeks ago, I would have asked what paper is, but I now know thanks to Dylan. The idea of "digital money" is still strange to me, but since Dylan explained it to me, I understand it a little better.

"Do you have any left?"

"Do I have any of what left?" she asks.

"Earth money." I bite my lip and hold my breath. This is what I really wanted to ask.

Mom slowly puts down the stirring spoon and brushes her hands absentmindedly on her apron. Finally, she looks up at me.

"Some," she says.

"Can I have it?"

There is definitely some suspicion. "...Why?"

I think wildly for a reasonable explanation. "I... just thought that it would be an interesting thing to have."

"...I don't suppose it would be much harm if I gave you a few dollars," she admits reluctantly, "It's useless here anyway." She adds a few spices to the pot and stirs some more. "Here, taste this." She hands me a spoon.

Here, maybe, I think to myself, putting the spoon in my mouth, But not on Earth.

"Tastes good," I say. "Um, when can I have it? The money, I mean."

More suspicion. "...Um, after dinner maybe." She sighs. "Can you go find Roland? Tell him dinner is almost ready."

Nodding, I turn away. I find Roland in the basement, playing with Aussi.

"Roland, my mom says that dinner is almost ready."

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