Chapter 37 - Soria

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8:34 p.m. BTS – 9/20/341 U.M.

5:34 a.m. SWT – 9/21/341 U.M.

"What is taking Claire so long?" I ask irritably, wiping at the grease that keeps getting on my face, "We are done."

It takes several seconds for anyone to comprehend what I have just said.

"What?" Faith Railstone asks, a tired smile on her face, as though she does not dare believe it.

Word starts spreading, and a strangled cheer raises from the mouths of the weary workers.

I clamber onto the top of the nearest sub, the one that I just finished. Facing the majority of the crowd, I shout, "WE ARE DONE!"

I grin, knowing that I am dirty, smelly, and hungry. Who cares about any of that?

Getting down, and patting the number eight painted on the side of the sub, I say, "I suppose that we had better get the word out to the rest of Buatar." Aussi, the Railstone's dog, comes trotting up, panting happily. Grimacing slightly, I take a few steps back. I am afraid of animals.

Roland nods seriously, and Mrs. Railstone just looks back and forth between us. "How do we do that?"

Eru just smiles. "We have ways, Ms. Faith. Don't worry."

"Do these 'ways' have anything to do with you and Claire ending up in jail three weeks ago?"

"Do not worry, Mrs. Railstone," I reassure her, "This is important. No one will care."

We leave her looking less than comforted, but there is little time. My estimate was that we would have a month before the complete destruction of Buatar, but the rate of damage has elevated considerably.

Roland, Eru, and I do not even get out of the sub room before the alarms start. We look at each other, worry clearly visible on each of our visages.

"Not... not the Square?" Roland chokes out.

Major places, such as the Square, set off alarms when they are breached.

"I am afraid that it is," I say. "We have less time than I thought."

"We need to make sure Claire is alright," Eru says.

I bite my lip. Going to the Railstone's sphere will take longer, but Claire is my friend.

"Then we'll go to your house, Roland. We will no doubt meet Claire somewhere along the way. Then we will head to the computers."

Roland and Eru nod.

We race through the tunnels, yelling our news to anyone we meet. Maybe the word of mouth will get everyone to the subs. But we cannot be certain—we still need to get to the computers.

When we reach the Railstone's house, though, we are met with an awful scene.

"Great One," Eru says. I press my back against the glass wall across from the airlock doors, and shakily cover my mouth. Roland beside me sinks down to the floor.

Beyond the door is... nothing. After several seconds of loud silence, in which I have to hold back sobs, I walk forward, and look down to the ocean floor.

"This is why she didn't come back," Roland says quietly, eyes red. I have never seen a boy cry before, other than my little brother Reyo.

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