Chapter 33 - Claire

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2:12 p.m. BTS – 9/2/341 U.M.

10:12 p.m. SWT – 9/2/341 U.M.

"Alright, here we are," Eru says awkwardly, waving at the door. It is obvious that it hasn't been used for years. Beyond the glass of the tunnel, I can see the dome that the door leads to, but not what's inside.

Eru and Roland work together to try and open the door, but it won't budge.

"It... does not have a lock, does it?" Soria asks uncertainly.

"Shouldn't," Eru pants.

"It's just old," I say, "Want some help?"

The four of us can just barely get the wheel turning. By the time the door opens, we are all red-faced from exertion.

"C'mon," I say, stepping into the dark room. It smells like dust and rotting fruit. I automatically wrinkle my nose. "Anybody see a light switch?"

Hidden in the cloak of darkness, are rows upon rows of hulking objects that I can't quite make out.

"What's this?" Roland calls, almost to himself. There is a large thunk, and then lights flicker on, two at a time, going around in a circle, and then moving on to other levels. Now that we can see properly, we all gasp.

"What are these things?" Soria asks, moving to the nearest one. They are the size of buses, and have enough room for at least twenty people to sit inside. They are made from copper or bronze. Bolts gleam dully over places with chipped blue paint.

"Submarines," I say simply, gazing open–mouthed.

"Marquim," Soria says.

"What?" Roland and I ask at the same time.

"Marquim. It is the metal that this is made of."

"I thought it was copper," I admit sheepishly.

"No," she replies distractedly, "I do not even know if copper could withstand the psi."

"Psi?" I ask, looking from Soria to Roland.

"Pounds per square inch," Eru calls from the other side of the room.

"Do you think this is the emergency exit?" I ask, "Or just some recreational thing?"

"Who knows?" Roland says, "But does it matter? These could be our ticket out."

"These look in pretty poor shape," Soria laments, still examining the sub. "But, I think that they are fixable."

My mood lightens considerably. "Really?" I ask.

"If you were optimistic," Soria finishes, putting her hand to her chin.


"Still possible! Still possible!" she says hurriedly, seeing my expression.

Roland shifts his weight, looking at all the subs. "So... now what?"

"Huh?" Soria and I respond.

"Now what?" he asks again, "Tell the public? Fix it ourselves?"

"Definitely don't tell Mehre," I blurt out immediately.

"Well, yeah," Eru says, returning to us.

"We fix them," Soria says in that usual matter–of–fact tone.

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