Chapter 21

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AhnYonce 👸
Today 10:33 am


10:42 am

10:43 am
so I asked her last night

10:44 am
finally! the girl likes you too. yall just a bunch of pussies

10:44 am
can't help it. its been a while since I've fallen like this. I wanted to make sure she really likes me and not confused

10:45 am
oh wow so blushing while flirting, cooking for you, caring for you, kissing you, having make-out sessions, basically being your wife is being confused??

10:45 am
or do I need to list more examples??

10:46 am
I mean-

10:47 am
shut up. all I'm saying is, it's long overdue. you've known each other for months, and you like here since what? day one??

10:47 am
no. its day 3 hahaha kidding!

10:48 am
whatever. I'm happy for you, really. you're officially out of the 3rd wheeling club

10:48 am
thanks, dick

10:49 am
and by the way, next time, don't make a show in public. we saw, and judging by the looks of the people near you? I think they heard the two of you moaning

10:49 am

10:49 am

10:50 am

10:50 am
well are you going to tell me what happened?

10:51 am
no, you, ass. you already know what happened that time

10:51 am
of course, I do. wheein was giggling beside me. what I mean is, after your moaning scene where did you go? what happened

10:52 am
I apologize for leaving you two HAHAHAHAHA

10:52 am
you owe me one. good thing her apartment was close and we walked all the way there. my heels killed me

10:53 am
aww but wheein loved those heels on you

10:53 am
shut up. you still owe me one and a story

10:54 am
hahaha okay okay. ill be your "slave" for a whole day is that good enough for you?

10:54 am
yes, peasant. now go on with your story

10:55 am
god why are you my friend

10:55 am
you don't have a choice in that matter

10:55 am
your story?

10:56 am
okay, okay. so here's what happened...


"Is that a yes?¨ I asked unable to stop the smile from forming. How could I? I am so happy. She basically said yes.

My heart is full, I feel like it could burst any moment from the happiness I feel right now.

The lights around us made her skin glow, she looks immaculate. Her smile never fails to make the butterflies in my belly flutter. Its utterly infectious, I cannot help smiling back when she does Her perfectly round cheeks that I love to squeeze every time I want to annoy her. Her red lips, I swear I am not addicted to her kisses. They taste sweet but not too sweet, but what I love the most about her physical features are her eyes. I could stare at them for hours and not be bored with it. Just like right now, I am holding her gaze, the lights around us reflect on her eyes urging them twinkle like a starry night. That gave me an idea.

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