Chapter 19

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AhnYonce 👸
Today 8:03 am


8:05 am

Youre bothering me

8:07 am

Youre annoying me

8:09 am

Im blocking you

8:11 am

Ill text Wheein

8:13 am

What do you want??

8:15 am

Lets go out. Im bored

8:17 am


8:20 am

I dont know

8:24 am

Wth?? You invite me and you dont have any plans or whatsoever???

8:28 am

Im just bored okayyy

8:31 am


8:36 am

Think of something

8:41 am

I texted Wheein and she said theres a pride parade downtown

8:42 am


8:43 am

Ill call yong

8:44 am

No need. Shes with wheein and she said shes coming. We'll meet them at Yong's

8:45 am

We'll use your car

8:46 am

And dont be disappointed. You'll get to talk to your yong later HAHAHAHAHA

8:46 am


8:47 am

Why my car tho???

8:50 am

Youre the one who wanted to go out, your car, you drive

8:52 am

FINE. See you in a bit

8:54 am

Read 8:54 am

8:55 am


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