Chapter 16

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"You're less annoying when sleeping,¨ Yong-sun whispered at the sleeping Byul.

She stared at Byul's sleeping face memorizing each line and details on her face. She admires how peaceful she looks.

Her hair flows carelessly on the bed. Her long lashes are more visible now that her eyes are closed. Her small mouth slightly opened. She looks lovely.

Yong-sun wonders how can someone be beautiful and at the same time handsome, but she wouldn't dare admit it out loud. She's sure she'll never hear the end of it knowing Byul.

A groan woke her up from her reverie. Byul sat up and slowly opened her eyes and looked around her room. Her eyes stopped at the sight of Yong-sun beside her.

"Eh, a dream again," she whispered to herself and went back to sleep.

Yong-sun stared at her figure disbelievingly. She waited hours for Byul to wake up to check on her condition.

"Wake up, sleepy. You've been sleeping for hours. And what do you mean a dream??" Yong-sun snapped and lightly slapped Byul's shoulder.

That made Byul open her eyes in surprise and quickly sat up looking at Yong-sun's direction.

"Melon! You're... here?" Byul intended it as a statement but it came out as a question.

She can't grasp the idea of Yong-sun in her room not after having a steamy dream. Panic stroke her when she remembered that her whole room is a mess, she never bothers to clean her room unless someone important comes over or Hyejin shouting at her for having the most disorganized room. It's only a couple of clothes thrown all over the floor though It's not like a typhoon walked in and destroyed the whole place.

She was about to stand up when Yong-sun cut her off, "ey no! You're sick. You can clean your room when you're feeling better."

"I'm just going to get a cup of water," Byul reasoned.

"Sit there. I'll get it for you," Yong-sun stood up then went out to the kitchen. Before closing the door, she looked back and warned Byul in a stern voice, "and if you dare use your feet I'll tie you down that bed until you're better."

Byul gulped and instead of getting scared she blushed profusely. Shit, that's sexy.

As soon as Yong-sun closed the door, Byul stood up carefully from her bed and threw all the clothes on her floor to her laundry basket then sat back down on her bed just in time for Yong-sun to come in.

"You don't listen, do you? I don't like it when you're sick even though you're less annoying when you're sick," Yong-sun stated, giving Byul a cup of water.

Byul took the cup and drank all of it. She didn't even notice how thirsty she was until she felt the water in her mouth.

"Don't worry I'm already strong enough to say I missed you," Byul said. She tried wink but failed miserably when both her eyes closed at the same time.

"Even when you're sick you never fail to annoy me do you?" Yong-sun laughed.

"I missed you," Byul repeated.

Byul stared at her waiting for her to say it back.

"I heard you," Yong-sun muttered, "I missed you too." It was just less than a day though.

Byul heard what she said loud and clear and she felt like she can lift a hundred ton of concrete.

"Really?" Byul jokingly asked.

"Shut up before I take it back," Yong-sun joked.

Byul chuckled and signed a zipper locking with her mouth.

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