Chapter 2: Welcome to UA

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The new school year had finally begun and class 1 A was now becoming class 2 A. Everyone was excited about the new school year and Shinsou was finally joining the hero course, however that wasn't the only change in UA. Everyone was gossiping about a new third year student. Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida were walking to class as they heard whispers of the new student and the questions around her. As they walked into class they heard their classmates discussing the same drama.

"Did you hear there's a new third year in the hero course?" Sero asked the three as they entered

"Can they do that?" Jirou questioned

"I heard it's that girl who's been working with Endeavor" Kaminari states, turning to Todoroki. "You know the one. The pretty blonde! Elementary, that's her name!"

Todoroki was shocked. It was only a month ago since he met Edori Hisora, but they had become fast friends. He would text her regularly about his classes and she would tell him about her missions. They had quite a strong friendship, or so Todoroki had thought, however, she didn't mention anything about coming to UA.

Midoriya turned to Todoroki, "Did you know she was joining UA?

"No" he answered, wondering why she wouldn't tell him something so important. It wasn't like her to keep secrets. She loved talking about her day and future plans, especially to Todoroki. She would talk for hours on the phone with him while he studied. It was short of relaxing for Todoroki to hear her ramble about her day. He worried that she didn't tell him because she didn't want him to know and didn't want to be friends at school with him. What other reason could she have for keeping this a secret from him.

"Class has started," Mr Aizawa said as he entered the room. Everyone quickly was seated and the school year began.

As class finished everyone headed to the café for lunch. Todoroki was still in thought when he noticed Edori standing in the doorway of the café confused. "Hisora?" he questioned.

"Todoroki!" she excitedly turned to face him. "Surprise!" she shouted, throwing her arms up. She smiled, "I was debating telling you about my acceptance to the hero course, but I decided it would be better as a surprise! Are you surprised? Did it work?" she laughed.

"I see" he said looking at her. It was a relief to know she didn't tell him because she didn't want to interact with him at school. He watched as she turned back around to stare at the cafeteria.

She looked a little overwhelmed. "This school is so big. I've already gotten lost twice." she laughed softly.

He watched her nervously scan the area. "Are you looking for your classmates?"

She turned back to him awkwardly smiling, "My class was a little hesitant of me. No one really talked to me after Midnight introduced me," she awkwardly laughed. "Most people have known each other for the past two years and have made strong bonds. I'm just some new girl who entered their class with little explanation. They are all either intimidated by me or don't think I belong. So I understand why no one went out of their way to talk to me," she said looking out to the cafe

He watched as her smile remained while she talked. He was surprised she could smile while talking about people rejecting her and leaving her alone. She was so bright and bubbly that it surprised him she didn't make friends yet. Although she was smiling he was a bit worried about her. It must be hard on her, he thought, "Did you want to eat lunch with me and my friends today?"

She quickly turned back to face him "Really? You guys wouldn't mind?" she smiled.

"Of course" He stated as he started walking into the cafeteria. He showed her the menu and how to order food, then showed her to a table with Iida, Midoriya, Uraraka and Tsu already seated. He walked up to the table and sat down as he noticed everyone staring at Edori. "This is Edori Hisora," he stated as he motioned her to sit down.

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