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[(Y/n) POV]

"A, are you sad because everyone is afraid of you?". I said in a low tone that was nearly above a whisper.

As my words reached his ears his eyes widened in bewilderment. His eyes stared at me as his mouth was slightly agape. He looked like the world turned upside down.

He spun so he stopped facing while he spoke.

"You're dumber than I thought if you think I actually care what humans think of me. I don't of course! Humans are unintelligent creatures who don't know anything! So why would I c-c-care about a-anything that they say about me! I don't wish to discuss this any further!". A said as he ran away leaving me on the ladder to process what just happened.

I was confused but I knew that I should just let it go before A gets made at me. I finished climbing the ladder and continued to walk to the room I was in before.

As I got there I heard a sniffle and I saw A in the corner rubbing his eyes. As I neared him he faced me and his eyes were blinking uncontrollably at different times. It was actually more creepy than it seemed.

I decided to open my backpack and take out my sunset sketch for him. It was coloured and everything. I slowly handed him the sketch in my sketchbook and his clawed hands took it from mine.

He placed the drawing close to his face and examined it closely. He squinted to get a better look at the drawing.

I swear that I could see a faint smile appear on his face. He looked happy to say the least.

After a few minutes of admiring the drawing he started to mumble a few words to himself.

"So that's what a sunset on a beach looks like. I would give anything to see such a beauty up close". His eyes twinkled with pure innocence at the thought of witnessing a live sunset.

I wonder how bad his eyes really are. I couldn't he just wear a pair of glasses and see the world? I guess there's no optometrist that would work on a client that has six eyes, much less one that happens to eat humans.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't see A examining my spaced out face. He stared at me with a sly grin on his face. He closed the sketchbook and aimed it at my face.

He tossed the sketch book at my face and it smacked me back into full consciousness. The sketchbook fell to the ground with a thud.

My facial features contorted into a frown as I looked at A's smug smirk.

"Oh pardon me Little Fly, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important you had going on there".He said in a voice that dripped with sarcasm.

"Not at all I was just thinking about a permanent solution to your predicament". I said as I placed my hands on my hips.

"I was only joking. I know you humans don't use your brains much less have any sort of thought process". A said as he grinned.

I only scoffed as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This guy really hates humans, huh.

"Whatever I should get going. Gotta get back to my hotel room so I can get a good night's rest".

As I was packing up my things A stared at me with a blank face. He looked as though he were processing the situation and he had a dilemma going through his head. As I turned to leave he spoke out.

"Halt Little Fly!". His voice bounced off the cavern walls.

"What do you want now? Can't I get some sleep? I don't know about you but humans sleep so what's the problem!?".

I know I sound irritated but I'm tired and this jerk is so demanding. Is he gonna skip some important sleep?

"Watch your tone Little Fly as you need to remember who you're talking to. I was going to suggest that you spend the night here since it might be dangerous to travel back in the dead of night". A said as he averted his eyes, breaking eye contact.

"I would rather take my chances with a possible psycho killer than a guaranteed a**hole". I reply with a glare.

"I'm only trying to be kind to Little Fly. However it seems you're too ungrateful for my kindness". A crossed his his and stared me down.

"You? Kind? Kindness is only accepted when the person who is trying to be kind is kind. You're far from that. No wonder the people of this island hate you". I spat out.

"Do you really think the people of this island care that I'm nice! Take a good look at me! Kindness doesn't matter to them! They'd never want to be my friend!". A yelled as he threw his arms in the air.

"Kindness does matter! You're such an asshole that nobody wants to be near you! If only you were genuinely kind to me then maybe I'd be your friend!". I shouted as I stormed out of the cavern.

I broke out into a sprint and started running towards the exit. It seemed that A didn't follow me but I wanted to at least get half past the forest just to be sure. Maybe he was angry with me at my sudden outburst? Maybe he was stunned at my response?

Maybe A and I could've been friends? I'm getting more and more comfortable with his appearance but at the same time I'm more terrified of his rude nature.

Maybe if he was nicer then maybe people would be more at ease with him and they would get used to his outward appearance.

He seems like he genuinely doesn't understand that someone could be close to him and not care what he looks like on the outside.

However he seems to prove to the people of the island that he is as hideous on the inside just like he looks on the outside.

An ugly creature with an ugly heart.

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