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[(Y/n) POV]

I stared at the man in front of me as he freaked out. He looked hysterical to say the least.

"Master, please calm down!". The other man who came barging in said as he rushed over towards us.

The man-spider stopped and slowly cocked his head over to his servant or whatever. He gave a look of displeasure before cutting me loose from my webbed prison. I felt relieved that I was no longer trapped.

The monster immediately stared into my eyes with a death glare. He bared his sharp teeth before giving a warning hiss. After that he scuttled away out of the room leaving me with his servant.

"Forgive my master Lady (Y/n) for he can be quite sensitive". The man said as he gave a low bow.

"Sensitive?". I say as I get up off the floor and start to dust myself off.

"Yes after all with his current form he doesn't look..... let's say the most appealing to humans". The man says as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess I can sympathize with that". I say with a slight tone of guilt.

"Pardon my manners! I completely forgot to introduce myself! I am Sebastian and I humbly appreciate you for coming after being summoned by my master". Sebastian says as he does another bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sebastian, however I wouldn't call what your master did "summoning ''''. I say with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you formally as we have already met before Lady (Y/n) and I do apologize for every inconvenience you've received". Sebastian responds.

"We've met before?". I questioned him with a raised brow.

"You see I can shapeshift into a human form for convenience. I can also change into a smaller form. You saw my other form as I may have gotten too close to you on the ship and you swatted me away". Sebastian answered with a gentle smile.

"Oh that was you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak out like that". I say as I recall the events on the boat.

"It's quite alright Lady (Y/n) for it is in your nature to react in such a way. That is why I'm in this form so you'll feel more comfortable". Sebastian spoke with a wave of his hand.

"I see. I have another question for you. I want to know why I am here and what your master wants from me". I questioned silently being wary of the man-spider who may be listening to our conversation.

"Ah yes, you see it's a rather complicated reason. My master has never gotten involved with a tourist. He prefers to keep away as they are foreigners and foreigners bring foreign issues with them. I was on the boat as I came back from a mission overseas for him and I just so happened to see your drawings. You draw quite well and my master had an idea. Call it silly but my master wants you to draw various things for him. His eyes don't permit him to see scenery so he wanted you to draw scenery for him". Sebastian explained.

"That's all he wants me to do? That's it? Why go through with all the threatening and hurting my friends?". I asked, clearly annoyed by his master's past behaviour.

"My master didn't want you to say no to him. After all, he is the island's boogeyman. He can be difficult at times but he can be really nice when he gets to know someone. He also has this belief where he believes fear and power are the most important things to get what you want. So please accept his offer Lady (Y/n). I know my master doesn't act very nice but deep down he is very sensitive and kind. He just doesn't know how to let people in yet". Sebastian begged as he got down on his knees.

I was completely discombobulated. Sebastian was on his knees begging me to give an answer to his offer. I should say no since his master is a complete as*hole. However I can't bring myself to say no. A part of my mind keeps repeatedly telling me to say yes. I'm not sure why but I decided to agree.

"I accept the offer Sebastian". I say firmly.

Sebastian got up on his feet and simply bowed to me once more.

"Thank you Lady (Y/n) you won't regret this". Sebastian says with a gentle smile.

Sebastian exited the cave leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I slowly walked around the room and saw the small pieces of webbings around the room. They clung to the wall as they dropped from the ceiling. The room looked pretty nice despite the few strands of spider webs. The ceilings were really high but that must be a design thing.

"Still in a daze, Little Fly?". A voice sneered behind me.

I whipped around only to see nothing in front of me. I slowly turned away as I was probably imagining the voice.

"Up here Little Fly". The voice called once more.

This time I turned my head and tilted my neck up to meet with the man-spider who was on the ceiling. I was about to ask why he was on the ceiling but as though he could read my mind he answered the question.

"I suppose it's a habit of mine. I do enjoy sneaking up on my prey. It's easier to trap and devour them that way". He said as he descended from the ceiling. He lowered himself on the ground and crouched so he was at my height.

"However, I'd like to put you to use before doing so, Little Fly".

I gulped at the thought of being killed and eaten by a giant spider. My worst nightmare. I tried to subtly examine his many red orbs as I wondered how he saw the world. Sebastian did mention he can't see scenery . Even if he is nearsighted he can still see outlines.

"I'm afraid my vision is worse than that Little Fly. I can hardly see you from a few feet away from me. I, however, can feel you. I can feel the vibrations inside the cavern and I can see through the eyes of my minions. The vibrations give me a sense of where you are. The sound of your heartbeat and breathing give your location away. I can see you but only if you're a few inches from my face then I could see you clearly".

I slowly walk over the man spider to give him a closer look of me. His eyes widened as I did so and I was barely two inches from his face. I could feel his soft breaths beating against my skin as I came closer. My heart started beating uncontrollably and my skin started to freeze. I was scared but I know that I needed to do this.

He examined my face and his spindly legs started to twitch. Maybe he's uncomfortable with a human this close to him.

It felt awkward staring into his ruby orbs so I slowly backed away. Before I could he grabbed my hand with his leathery claw and continued to stare at me.

Surprisingly he didn't try to hurt me this time. I suppose there's a sliver of gentleness in this beast after all.

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