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[A's POV]

I woke up today on my bed alone in my room. I stirred awake and let out a yawn as I stretched out. My head was pounding and I let out a wince of pain.

"Sebastian!". I called out as I clutched my throbbing head.

Sebastian came running into the room and three other servants. Carrying things from my breakfast to medicine for my headache.

"Here you are master". He said as he placed my things down.

"That will be all for now". I said I took the medication with a glass of water.

They exited as quickly as they came so I was alone again. I looked down at my meal and grimaced. The food I was supposed to eat with her.

I don't want to think about last night at all. The alcohol and caffeine made me giddy and weird. I did things that I shouldn't have. I don't know why I did those things. She even displayed repulsion after she pushed me away. I'm not sure what I want.

Her skin was really soft and delicate. She also smelled of peaches along with her natural scent.

I always had a hard time expressing my emotions. My brothers and I have always been more sensitive than humans. It's never really been a challenge until now. Because now I have someone who's knocking down all the walls I've built. Someone who's becoming somewhat of a...close person to me.

I become fervent when she's nearby and I get flustered. I wonder if she's giving me some kind of disease. An incurable disease.

[(Y/n) POV]

I needed to clear my head. I needed to forget the events of last night. I couldn't face Tania or Mai so I snuck out of the room while they were busy. I decided to spend the day with Ryan since he had the day off. Apparently we were supposed to go to the island market. It's already been a week and I've hardly done any sightseeing.

I guess now would be a perfect time since A and I are not doing so well. I got my bag and sketchbook along with some cash. I met up with Ryan outside the resort and we were on our way. Since the cave is within walking distance of the resort I usually walked there. However to get to the island market Ryan and I had to drive there. Ryan was outside with his Jeep running so I hopped in.

It was at least a ten minute drive so it wasn't too long. As we approached the market Ryan parked the car and we both got out. There were many stalls selling different foods, clothing, trinkets and souvenirs.

"I'm going to go over there and buy us some churros so why don't you look around in the meantime". Ryan said as he walked over to a food stand. The line looked very long but the food smelled fantastic. I simply nodded my head in agreement and started to look around.

Nothing really caught my eye at the moment. There were really nice woven carpets and very impressive weaved bracelets. The thing that caught my eye instantly was an occult stall. Specifically one dedicated to the island monster.

I walked over while in a trance, observing the many things laid out on the stall. Things ranging from blurry pictures of sightings to a map of the missing girls. They're was even a poster with what the monster looked like or at least what everyone thought the monster looked like. In this poster A looked more beast-like than human. He was much hairier as opposed to his body being smooth. His eyes looked crazy and bloodthirsty while he was always full with different emotions.

The poster A had razor sharp yellow teeth and he was foaming from the mouth. There was also blood dripping from his teeth. His hair was very long and unkempt. Twigs and leaves littered the long locks and it was all tangled. His claws were much longer and his body was really skinny like he was malnourished. His skin was grey and patchy unlike his pale flawless skin.

They really thought he was a monster. The old lady running the stand examined me with cautiousness. She eyed me very discreetly and started closing books.

"You're interested in the island beast-man? What a strange woman you are". She spoke in a raspy voice as she tapped her fingers against the wooden table of the stall.

"I'm just curious". I replied while still gazing at the poster.

"Is that so? You seem very interested in the beast. Are you a journalist perhaps?". She questioned with a brow raised.

"I'm just browsing but I should get to my friend". I said as I started to turn away.

"And what might that be?". She responded as her eye caught wind of my sketchbook.

"Oh that's just my sk—

The old lady reached over and yanked my sketchbook from my bag before I could protest. She retreated to the back of the stall so I wasn't within reach to grab my property back.

She started flipping through it while grumbling on about how stupid it was. As soon as she flipped to the page with A's drawing I panicked. I picked up the nearest object which happened to be a ceramic coffee mug and I launched it right at her face. She threw the sketchbook on the wooden table and held her face as she screamed in pain.

A wail of pain penetrated the area so I grabbed my sketchbook from her and booked it. She started screaming after me in a different language but I was already far away so I couldn't hear or understand her. However a mob decided to give chase and started running after me. I started sprinting like my life depended on it.

I was running so fast that I think an Olympian might get jealous. My body was pumping adrenaline and I was picking up speed. I saw Ryan standing near the car with two churros in hand. He was just calmly standing around and enjoying his day.

As I neared him I started to scream at him.

"RYAN START THE CAR". I yelled as I closed the gap between us.

Ryan looked up at me and his eyes widened like saucers. He dropped the churros and raced to the driver's side. He didn't even fasten his seatbelt as he got in. He immediately pulled the keys out to start the car and jammed them into the ignition.The engine roared to life and I instantly jumped in and put on my seatbelt.

"Who are those people and why are you running from them?". He was really confused.

"Just drive! I'll explain once we get out of here!". I was freaking out and on edge.

Ryan pulled out of the parking lot and floored it. Leaving a dust trail behind us.

I could see the old lady and a group of people who were chasing after me stopped to see me leave. They were glaring daggers at me as the Jeep sped away.

What's the deal with that lady? I bet she's just a kooky old lady who needs to be put in a retirement home.

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