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[Author's POV]

The two faced the deep web covered cave as they made their way to the entrance. The entrance was covered in thick silk webbings.

Ryan pulled out a black steel hunting knife and began to cut away at the threads. However the threads weren't easy to cut away.

"Damn this web is like steel". Ryan said as he continued to cut away at it.

It took him a while but he was able to cut a hole big enough so he and (Y/n) were able to slip inside. However the constant vibrations from the knife sawing into the webbing alerted the monster right away that there were intruders in his cave.

It seems the human girl decided to arrive prematurely. She even brought another human with her. He never did specify that she was to come alone but she did come early and he hadn't been able to complete the preparations for her. Rushing his work is certainly not going to help her in the slightest.

A sigh of annoyance left his mouth as he closed his eyes. His mind processes a potential plan for this slight inconvenience.

"It would seem that the human girl thinks she can ambush me". The monster said as he slowly tapped his long sharpened claws against the stone cold cave walls.

"I suppose I could give her a warm welcome". The monster chuckled as he crawled up the cave wall to surprise his early guests.

"A good host should always be hospitable towards his guests. Perhaps I could have them for dinner~". The monster released a reverberated maniacal laughter throughout the cave.

Ryan and (Y/n) could hear the laughter bounce off the cave walls and it only made their little rescue mission even more dangerous.

"What was that?". (Y/n) said as she rubbed her arms in comfort.

"I suppose it's the monster. It knows we're here". Ryan said in an annoyed tone.

The two ventured on as they heard muffled screaming and moaning echoing through the cave. It sounded as though one was screaming for help while the other was moaning in pain.

"That's Mai and Tania! This way!". (Y/n) shouted as she and Ryan ran towards the source of the noise.

They ran down one path of the cave and realized that they had a problem. There was a tall 12ft ledge to climb and at the top was the origin of the calls for help.

"How can we get to them now? We can't climb that!". Ryan said with a scowl.

"What if I got on your shoulders then maybe I could reach the ledge?". (Y/n) suggested.

"That could work except I'm way too heavy for you to pull up once you get to the top. You'd have to save your friends alone. If the monster's up there then I won't be able to protect". Ryan said with a sigh.

"I guess I'll go at it alone then". (Y/n) said with a small hopeful smile.

"Alright then what are we waiting for". Ryan said as he crouched down so (Y/n) could get on his shoulders.

The girl got on his shoulders and Ryan boosted her as high as he could until she reached the ledge. She then pulled herself up and made her way to the top with a huff.

Ryan fell to the ground with a sigh as (Y/n) made it to the top.

"Hurry back (Y/n) when you can". Ryan said with a grin.

"Hopefully I will". The girl said with a toothy grin before she continued to follow the voices. Hopefully her friends were safe.

[Ryan POV]

I hope (Y/n) makes it back safely. I wish I could have gone with her to know if she's okay. Maybe I should stay guard in case the monster decides to drop by.

"Damn monster, one day you'll meet your maker!". I muttered to myself in the hopes of lifting my spirits.

"That day won't be today though. I hope you realized how foolish you are human". A voice said above me.

I knew I shouldn't have but I decided to face it once and for all. I tilted my head upwards and faced the monster. At first I couldn't tell what I was looking at since it was so dark. However after my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw the most hideous thing I've ever seen.

Those burning red eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness made my stomach turn. All six of them. The way as it slowly opened its mouth revealing two rows of razor sharp teeth.

Before I could do so much as blink I was sprayed with a thick smelly white substance. The substance covered my upper half and with that the monster hoisted me up in the air. The monster stuck me to the wall like I was some art piece and made sure I could move.

The monster crawled around me until it was facing me and making eye contact. It was a horrid sight.

"Tell me little human what did you accomplish coming here with the human girl". Its slick voice said as it gave me a sly smirk.

"Oh please you murderous freak, you and I both know that (Y/n) will refuse to help you. She probably couldn't even stand to look at you let alone help you". I spat out venomously.

"Watch your tongue, pathetic human. If you don't then I'll gladly remove it for you". The monster hissed at me and brought one of its claws up to my face.

"I bet you'd scare her so badly that she'd faint right on the spot. Maybe she'd vomit from your horrendous face". I taunted with a chuckle.

The monster simply growled before slowly crawling away from me. I guess that thing is running away scared.

"We'll see pathetic humans. We'll see". The monster said before disappearing from my sight.

I just hope (Y/n) will be prepared for what has to come.

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