Horrendous Fate

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This chapter mentions content that some readers may find offensive and disturbing.

[(Y/n) POV]

"How did all of that happen?". I was still processing what I just heard and I wanted to know more.

"The island was very habituated as it was like today. There were few people and they never explored the island much so Azael remained hidden for years. It wasn't until one of the "Ferrals" got loose and it snuck its way into the village". Dorian explained as peered at the direction of the ever so far away island.

"The "Ferral" got loose?". My eyes widened in shock.

"The "Ferrals" act solely based on instinct. This one probably got scared by the nearby villagers and went to what it thought was an empty house. However this house has a recently widowed young woman in it. Naturally the "Ferral" trapped her and she was stuck there for weeks. Eventually the "Ferral" became attached to her and it brought her back to Azael. Azael was furious to learn that it had brought a human woman back to the cave with it. Azael was about to kill to keep their existence a secret however he later learned that the woman was pregnant. Azael felt pity towards her and decided to keep her alive but captive in the cave". Dorian paused and turned to me.

"The "Ferral" impregnated her? How is that even possible? More so Azael kept her alive because he took pity on her? I doubt that's the real reason". I sceptically thought about the last bit of the story.

"I don't think Azael was genuinely pitying the woman, however he was probably morbidly curious about how the pregnancy occurred. The woman did give birth shortly after. She gave birth to the first spider hybrid ever. Azael became enthralled with how the hybrid could take on the form of a human and yet was still obedient to him. Azael became intrigued with this new development and began making his new army. The woman was kept there for the rest of her life laying eggs until she passed away. Azael then began stealing women from the village so he could continue his endless supply of obedient servants for all eternity. It was at that moment he truly became the monster of black spot island". Dorian got up and began waking to the other side of the boat, I sprung to feet and followed suit.

"They were used as human egg factories? All because he wanted an army of slaves to do his chores for him!". I was becoming furious at the mere thought of it.

"I know this sounds crazy to you but Azael is from the demon realm and this kind of behaviour is normal there. I mean Azael's youngest brother is the only one that adapted somewhat to human culture. While Azael and his other brother run organisations based off of exploitation and torment. His younger brother runs a cult by indoctrinating young children and manipulating them into killing each other! It sickens me that they can get away with things like this!". Dorian gave me the side eye as he screamed his head off. Tears began to fall from eyes and slid down his cheek. He ran off before I could say anything more. I should probably leave him be.

I went down below deck and decided to sit in the storage closet for privacy. I sat down on the ground and pulled my knees inwards towards my chest. I put my head down between my arms and sat there in dead silence.

I was so dumbfounded that I didn't even know what to do next. It's not that I couldn't believe that Azael did all those things, I just couldn't believe that I felt pity for him. He made it seem that he was a misunderstood soul who was being tormented when in reality he's a grade A monster.

"I'm such an idiot". I insulted myself out loud as I banged my head against my knees. I'm really dumb.

"You're no idiot. You're a kind person who did what you thought was right". A voice belonging to Sebastian filled the empty storage closet.

"I let Azael trick me and a lot of people got hurt because of me. Now I'm all alone. Everyone thinks I'm dead. I won't see my parents ever again. My two best friends in the whole world are gone. It's strange because it feels like Azael is the only one I have left after everything". Tears started to drip down my chin as I silently started to sob.

Sebastian sat down next and pulled me in closer to him. I could feel his heart rhythmically beating away. I felt slightly uncomfortable at the feeling so my face started to heat up.

"That's not true my dear. You can live on by your own means. Restart anew and become something you've always wanted to be. If you do that then I'll be by your side every step of the way". Sebastian said as his gloved hand slowly caressed my cheek, his glove becoming wet from my tears.

"You'll stay with me?". I sniffled as I began to wipe my tears away.

"You have my solemn word". He replied as he placed his hand on his chest while giving a small bow.

I could feel the rumbling of the boat come to a halt and I felt a slight shift in my balance. The door to the storage closet slowly creaked open and I could see Hannah standing in the doorway.

She gave a slight bow to us before leaving the area.

"Well my darling it appears we have reached our destination". Sebastian spoke as he got up and helped me to my feet.

This is it. The start of a new life. I wonder where I'll begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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