Some Misunderstandings ( Last chapter 1.2)

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Meanwhile At Srinidhi's Home,
9:35 AM

She could hear continuous knocking on door, she was in shower. Somehow changed her dress in hurry  and opened the door" Ugh , Coming... Don't break apart the door " .
Before she could react ,A man was standing in front of her with gun pointed to her with a scared face .

" Arun,  Put that gun's me ...Sri ,  Srinidhi.What happened ?? Arun ! You look scared !" She spoke in shock.

Arun Put the gun down and checked each corner of house, closed all entrances properly. No-one was there. He rushed to her and hugged her tightly. Her arms around him and mind full of questions. She loosed and asked him to tell everything looking with hopeful eyes.

He cupped her face and chuckled" Are you okay ?? Did someone come here ?? Did you received any threating email or call ? And where is Rocky ??"
She could feel the panic in his heart. Looking directly into his eyes she replied " I am alright . Rocky is inside .Now calm down and tell me , What is the problem ??"

He took out his pn and showed her the mails from blackmailer. Sri froze for a while after reading those
First one ( Who was the with you in bike ? Affair ??)
Sri : What nonsense !! He is assuming that you have affair with me ; your own legal wife .

Second one (Hiding from your wife ?? Give me my thing or your secret affair will be public.)

Sri : What secret affair !!  It was just a act or drama, You fool . But Why did you hide  this  from me Arun ??

Third one (I am warning you for last time, Return me my thing or I will tell your wife everything. Your affair ?? I have proof with me .Look, then a photo of him with Sri near Club)

Sri :  Is he a mental ?? He was following us in Club.

Forth one ( No need to come , I am just outside your house right now. I will go inside and take my phone myself. Yes , It's time to increase my score. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you)

Sri : Arun ... Someone is blackmailing you ?? But Who can dare to threat you ?? Which pn ?? Please tell me. Do you know him ?? Speak ??

Arun :  Listen Sri , I know you think that I avoided you knowingly but that's not fully correct. The cause is I was appointed in a high-profile case. That case was captured all my body and mind. I didn't say you about this because I want keep you away ?? I  decided to apologize you after all clearance but.. Now it's getting more complected ... Journalist murder - this case- Our marriage- shoot-out - our fight - restarting idea- blackmailing and now murder threats...

  Sri : ( confusion)What are you saying ?? Which case ??  What are you hiding ?? Say clearly Arun .

Arun: ( Sighed)  Ok , He is Bablu Pradhan,I mean the blackmailer name is Bablu Pradhan. He is a paid contact killer and has killed   five persons in last 6 months including Famous journalist Satyam Das ... But I am sure that either his partner or any follower was stucking us not himself...

Sri: Hn ? I know about this case. Someone killed him last month .So you are investigating that case. But what is the connection between case and our relationship ??

Arun: Yes,There is a hook which joints both, come with me

Then he dragged Sri holding her wrist to the closet lockers. Then he opened the locker carefully and took out a broken cellphone from there which was kept near to a gift box.

Sri:  Cellphone ?? Is this the same phone that he has mentioned ?? Bablu's ??
Arun:  Yes , After searching for entire month without rest , I got some news last week about him. I was not fully sure of that still I went there along with a constable. But unfortunately that constable got seriously injured in  shoot-out and he fled away and became underground. During this he accidentally dropped  this pn there and I took it In expectation of strong evidence. I didn't give it to anyone neither anyone knows about this other than me and SP sir. When you are here waiting with cake ,  I was running to hospital to admit the injured one.
Then I came to you and you yelled at me , Remember I got a call then. That was from department and I was suspended for a week. After that you know what happened . Then...

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