Let's finish it

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Srinidhi's Apartment |c.s pur  |Bhubaneswar

The heart shaped cake was lying on the table, untouched. The burning candles of 24 shape were about to finish. A slow wind passing through the window curtains broke her sound sleep.she opened her eyes and looked at the phone screen ,11:58 pm. She got up , walked towards the window, looked at the entrance take a breath and shut the doors. Returning to the former position,bent a little and blow out the candles.
  "Happy Birthday to me...
        Happy Birthday to me..."

Her voice turned into sobbing. She hold the knife with her shaking hands and cut one slice, take a bite and threw the rest to remaining cake.
Phone, knife and cake all stayed there only she left, taking big steps to her bedroom .She jumped on the bed without changing her dress,dig her beautiful face into a pillow and started weeping.
The tear drops were travelling along her pink cheeks and lost their existence on pillow cover after touching her luscious lips. Her black wavy hair and beautiful red dress touching upto her knees were turned messy.
The main door opened and someone come with big steps.He went near to the drawer , kept the loaded gun there. Then he started moving towards the his bedroom after a quick visit to washroom. .He stopped a little and turned right, came near to the table.Looking towards that half eaten cake piece,He took a breath and put that in mouth.
He slowly knocked on the door but came in without getting any response .
Make himself seated just opposite to her and told in a lower voice"Srinidhi ! Srinidhi..!I am...I mean I am sorry...I don't know how to tell? But...I was really busy entire day... Believe me."
His dark brown eyeballs were facing to the mattress billow .His heart was heavy like a stone with no strength  to face her.
He came closer and called her name
"Srinidhi! Srinidhi..."
She didn't respond , lying in same state without a single move.
He stretched his hand to touch her shoulder and tapped a little to confirm whether she is all right.

"Stop!! Don't touch me... Just stop there!!"
She got up and told in tough voice.

He pulled himself away and stood near to the bed looking her with guilty eyes.

She started "Don't touch me. You don't have any right on me... And listen! You don't deserve to be anyone's husband. I understand that you are in police and need to protect whole area, but don't you have two minutes to call or send a text to me...,At least a "Hay"or "dead or alive".You know what,I am so fool that I rushed to pickup all unknown calls hoping that maybe yours. I don't know yet how you look in formal dress.You have said nothing to me other than"Sorry"or "Ok".
"Listen!If you are not interested in me or love someone else then just say frankly.
Please.. Don't play with me anymore?"

"I can't tolerate this anymore..."

"I feel myself living with a stranger. We both know that it's a arranged marriage we were strangers before that,But if you behave like this then we will remain life long strangers for eachother.I can't spend my whole life with a stranger.It has complete one month to our marriage but we don't have a formal talk yet. I am tied up saying lie again and again to all."

"You know what!I am done with you and this relationship. I can't wait like a fool , neither I can randomly look through the window for your glance nor can chat with your hanging images like a mad."

"Let's finish it..."

"I have decided either you should change your behaviour or we should separate. Remember!! That's final from me"

She was waiting for his answer anxiously.Suddenly his phone ringtone broke the silence.He received the call "What!!Yes.I am coming right now.."
Then he turned around without saying a word and left with his  pistol again.
   She run and shouted from the main door"Hay !! Where are you going?You can't do like this.. Without giving my answer..You have to take a decision soon...Do you get that."

Her cry echoed all around as the only listener had gone so far.

Hope you enjoy the first part. What do you think "She has a point?".It is a short novel full of romance, comedy and drama. The next part will be published soon. It's my first work as a beginner. Please,Please , Avoid some grammar mistakes while reading.

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