Chapter 4: Good News That Made My Hair Jump

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      Danny runs to my apartment in a crazy mood. 

  "waz gooun ownnn" I slur, trying to wake up.

  Danny snaps in my face making me jump.

"I have the best news!" Danny yells.

"What is it?"

"Charlie, The Octoling Commander, was killed by one of our spies!! so they don't have a commander to help!!!"

   My long hair by my sides jumps like crazy. I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes. Me and Danny said "Woomy" a lot. Now that the octolings don't have their commander, there going to be so fucking easier to fight. Whatever spy did that deserves a promotion.

   Apparently, Marina killed Charlie when she lead a small patrol to one of our camps. Man, everyone was happy including Marina. 

"WOOMY" Marina yells. Everyone does the same. We only had little time to celebrate when our buglars blew the alarm. 


    I climbed the tower and saw quite a lot of octolings coming. The commander in the group was one of their lieutenants. Our snipers and marksmen started firing on sight. Even the buglars did. The octolings were killed in a matter of seconds. I almost taunted them.

   I saw Marina coming with Danny in her hands.

     I took Danny to one of our medics to inspect the damage. A few minutes later, the same medic came back and handed me a clipboard. This is what it said

Inkopolis Emergency room:

Name: Danny Lopez

Military rank (if in the military): Lieutenant

Cause of damage:

  Severely hit on right arm with a Prototype R 12 sniper rifle. Knocked unconscious by the impact.

  Estimated time in Hospital: 3 days

  I was shocked. I did not know the octolings had snipers. But for them with the prototype snipers, that's something I didn't see. But, our snipers have the more powerful kind. so we are still stronger than them.

I asked the nurse if I could see Danny. She leads me to his room. Danny was still unconscious. Marina was there as well. She had a depressing look on her face. I turn my head back to the lieutenant. He looked better now. I heard my phone go off as well as Marinas. I went into plain shock at this message. The octolings delayed the war for another 2 weeks. At that moment, Danny woke up. I and Marina hugged him, and he hugged us. Danny had explained what he saw

"I was smacking the Raid Lieutendent with ink, and then out of the blue, I'm hit hard with ink and everything went black," Danny says weakly. his face still shows that he's still in pain.

"Danny..." I begin to talk.

"Yes, Commander?"

 "I want to say, you are the most worthy, respectful, and brave lieutenant of all. Getting hit with a Prototype R sniper and still alive, you are one tough guy."

Danny smiles weakly. I smile back.

"So I was hit by a prototype? Dang, those octolings are nuts. But we have better prototype snipers than them." Danny says with confusion.

  Then the nurse came in.


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