Chapter 6: Near The Deadline

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   After Danny and I left the hospital, we see Pearl drive by. Pearl seems happy from what I can see in the car. It began raining shortly after we came back to base.

   Only 1 week till the war actually began. We were ready. We spent most of the time preparing. The Octolings haven't thrown any raids at us. As I was unloading a box of supplies, one of our spies comes running to me. The spy was very exhausted. I took him inside one of the buildings in the camp I gave him some water with some gram crackers. 

" The Octolings have a new commander, and this isn't any kind of octoling. It looks like a girl inkling, but with more tentacles on the head, and the 2 long droopy ones the female inklings have, it's like it has a mind of its own, a mouth, sharp teeth, it's like prana teeth. And is a lot bigger than the others! <wheseee> <pant>"

What the spy said scared the shit out of me.

I had to see what he was talking about because it sounded important.

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