What they think about your best friend

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He is happy you are friendly with Sirius as they are best friends themselves. However, he sometimes gets slightly jealous if you spend a lot of time with Sirius.


Sirius would also be happy you where good friends with Lupin, however, Sirius would get slightly jealous if you spent too much time with Remus.


Severus doesn't really have a problem with the friendship between you and McGonagall. He can though get worried that you talk about him behind his back to her


Lucious, being good friends with Snape is happy you and him have good connections. However, like Remus and Sirius, he can get jealous.


Xeno is so happy that you and Luna get on well together and is proud of both of you


Yaxley isn't sure about your friendship with Lucious, seeing him as a rival in the ministry. He can also get pretty jealous if you are with him for a long amount of time.

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