You are kidnapped by Voldermort

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You were kidnapped when moving Harry Potter to the burrow.

Remus is angry and sad, blaming himself for your kidnapping. For days he would sit in his room, none knowing what he was doing or if he was having food or water.

Together with the rest of the order, he goes to where you are being held to save you, where he puts his life on the line to save you.

When he finds you, he kisses you and hugs you close to him. He takes you home and heals your wounds and dotes over you.

Until the defeated of Voldermort he is very worried about you working with the order. He wants to keep you safe. However, you manage to win him over for you to help in the battles.


You were taken just outside of Grimmauld place, going out to do some shopping.

Sirus would get angry and lash out at people around him and also at things in his house. He would push people away until he relies he needs the order to save you.

Sirus like Remus uses the order of the phoenix to get you back, putting his life on the line to save you.

When he finds you, his heart breaks at what they did to you and takes you home with him. At home he looks after you and heals your wounds

Sirius become paranoid that Voldermort would come back for you and dotes on you, healing you and protecting you.

Until Voldermort is defeated, Sirius refuses to let you back to the order, scared for your safety. Through you go anyway, not listening to your overprotective boyfriend, Sirius gets very scared and sticks to you through the entire mission.


You were taken to punish Severus for failing to do something. You were taken from Hogwarts, from your history of magic teaching.

Severus was distraught and terrified, locking himself away and crying. He didn't eat, sleep or drank, thinking about you and what would happen to you.

Severus finally managed to get into Voldermorts favour again through relaying information about the order of the struggling order of the phoenix.

You were delivered back to him, you had some damage as a warning to Severus for the next time he fails Voldermort. Severus dotted over your wounds and didn't leave your side until he felt you were feeling better.

Until Voldermort is defeated, Severus treads very carefully, even more so than before. Making sure everything he does would please Voldermort so he wouldn't take you from him again.


You were taken as a punishment to Lucious after he failed to retrieve the prophecy. You were taken from the garden in Malfoy manor.

Lucious drank a lot, locking himself away and lashing out at people if they tried to talk to him.

Lucious got you back when you decided to become a death eater and take the blame for Lucious' actions. This meant you were tortured and given the dark mark.

Lucious when you returned healed you and cared for you, spending time with you and buying you things as way of an apology.

Until Voldemort is defeated, you had to work for him and still make up for Lucious' failures. Lucious felt powerless as he watched you taking the punishments and pain for him.


You were taken like Luna as punishment, however, you were taken later, when Xeno brought death eaters to his house to report Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Xeno became completely paralysed with grief and pain, at the loss of both Luna and you. He couldn't write, eat or sleep.

You got back to him when Voldermort was defeated. You were scared as Belatrix had tortured you when Luna escaped, Belatrix believing you knew where they had gone.

Xeno, when you returned to him dotted over you, healing you and not leaving your side for a second.

Xeno, until Voldemort was defeated, tried not do go against Voldermoert, in fear you would have the consequences.


You were taken as a punishment for Yaxely not being loyal and searching for Voldermort when he was first defeated.

Yaxley became more violent and lashed out at his coworkers and became more cynical and angry. He would increase his anti-muggle action to try and impress Voldermort.

You were returned when Voldemort was impressed at Yaxely's work. Like with Severus, you were hurt as a warning to Yaxley.

Yaxley looked after your wounds, spent time with you and bought you things as an apology.

Until Voldermort was defeated he trod carefully, making sure that he didn't go against Voldermort and you were taken once again.

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