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Sitting in a fancy-looking living room was a man in his early thirties, reading news on his phone. He seemed lost in his thoughts when he heard clicking of heels against the wooden floor echo around the room. He shot his head up toward the direction of the hallway, spotting his wife leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, red lips twisted in a smile.

"Paula, you're back early." He stated.

"Yea, yea, I am, but I'll soon be going out again." She spoke, digging through her purse in search of something. Soon, she pulled out a pair of keys, and jingled them, grinning.

Murdoc gave her a somewhat confused stare. "I got us something~"

Curiosity brought the man to his feet, and made him approach the woman, her handing him the keys.

"What is it?" His gaze meeting hers once again. But she didn't answer, only turned back on her heel, guiding her husband to the front door.
At the sight, Murdoc's eyes widened, as he swallowed harshly.

"They said he still needs some training. Got him on a sale. Hope you can take care of him while I'm gone? Yanno, show him around the house, boy needs to know his surroundings if he's gonna work for us." Paula spoke, unfazed

Murdoc never could understand the cruelty of people making business of selling Omegas. And people buying them for shit money to keep their houses clean, but more frequently be used as baby-making machines.

He sighed deeply, only then noticing the stern gaze of his wife, and a frightened, confused gaze of the blue haired caged boy.

Oh, so he's spaced out again.

Murdoc shook his head, and turned to Paula, giving her a weak smile. "Sure thing, love."

"Right..." She drawled.

"I'll be back in a couple days, and I hope I can trust you with this one, you've been acting kinda off lately... I'm starting to worry about you." A rare hint of concern could be heard in her voice.

She leaned in, placing a soft kiss onto Murdoc's cheek. "Bye." She smiled, grabbing her suitcase, and left through the front door.

It's been a busy month for the both of them. Their sleeping schedule wasn't at all good.

So maybe it's for the best that they have someone to take care of the house now...
If he was gonna be used for that anyway... He's definitely gonna have it better here than with any other family that could have bought him...

Those were the excused Murdoc made to stop guilt from getting to him too hard. Letting out a heavy sigh, and kneeled down before the cage.

"Hey, there, little one...." He kept his voice as soft as it was possible to get with his usual hoarse voice.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.... Tell me, what's your name?" He managed to force a smile. His fingers slipping through the thin bars of the cage.

"I-it's Stuart..." The boy meekly choked out.

It was clear the boy hasn't spoken in a long time, his voice terribly hoarse.

"I see... that's a pretty name you have, Stuart. I'm Murdoc, and the Beta lady is my wife Paula. I don't know about her, but I'm gonna make sure you don't get hurt in any way during your stay here." The man gave him a comforting smile.

The terrorised other weakly smiled back and let out a sigh when he remembered where he was and why he was there.

He wanted to get out but felt a wave of pain course through his body when he tried to move. Murdoc's hand dived into his back pocket, on a hunt for the keys.

It's not cheating if you're gay [2Doc fanfic] (I'll edit the title later)Where stories live. Discover now