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⚠️ ALCOHOL (?)⚠️

Murdoc was busy taking out ingredients from the fridge. Some tofu, and fresh vegetables, soy sause, and leftover rice.

He fried the previously sliced, and seasoned tofu on the pan, sprinkled it with soy sauce, as he chopped the carrots, leek, and spring onions.

He threw the vegetables onto the pan, letting them sizzle with the tofu, getting another, smaller pan ready to warm the rice up on.

The man was oblivious of the footsteps slowly approaching him, too focused on making the best meal for the blue haired boy.

Stuart smelled something delicious cooking and walked towards it.

He peeked and saw Murdoc cooking.

He walked towards him and spoke.

"Need a hand?"

Murdoc jolted slightly when he heard the other man speak. He looked over at him, giving him a warm smile.

"Nope! I'm finished." Murdoc answered, grabbing two plates, and setting them on the kitchen table. "You could get the silverware?"

"Yea sure" he was on his way there when he remembered he didn't know where it was.

"Murdoc... Where is it?" he slightly blushed

"Right! First drawer next to the sink." He scooped up the rice into neat balls, and placed them onto the plates. Then he put the tofu and vegetables on top of it, and when satisfied with his work, he set the pans back onto the stove.

Stuart went to where he was told to and took out what he needed, then turned back and left everything on the table.

'looks yummy' he then looked at his food 'oh nice!'

"Hope you'll love it.~" Murdoc grinned, sitting down by the table, and grabbing onto his fork, not bothering to use the knife; Paula is too much of a bitch when it comes to good manners, so he's not gonna bother while she's gone.

Stuart sat in silence for a few seconds then grabbed the fork and poked his food before grabbing a but with his fork and began to slowly eat.

He then spoke.

"It's really good thanks..."

Murdoc beamed, his eyes sparkled. "You think so???" Paula never complimented his cooking. They usually ended up ordering takeout.

"Yea!" he smiled.

Murdoc's smile grew wider, as he continued eating.

Stuart blushed a little and continued to eat until he was done.

The took his plate and put it in the sink and began washing it

Murdoc walked up to the boy from behind, and placed his hand on his arm. "Leave it to me."

"N-no it's fine si- m-murdoc..." he looked back to where murdoc was and weakly smiled

"I insist." The tone of Murdoc's voice was unusually stern .

He was a bit shocked... No... Very shocked.

He began to slightly shake and stutter. "I-i-"

Murdoc sighed, and turned off the tap. "Leave it. You're tired."

"But-" he was "do i?-" he looked at Murdoc (yet again) not knowing what to do next.

"You clearly are. I'll take care of it, it's just a few dishes. Go, rest, please." The man forced a smile.

It's not cheating if you're gay [2Doc fanfic] (I'll edit the title later)Where stories live. Discover now