Batsis x Robbie Reyes

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Requested by:Skinny-Beans
(Couldn't find batsis real name sorry,let me know what it is if she does)

Batsis walked alongside Robbie heading back to the Sheild Compound. They had Just Finished a successful mission to defeat AIDA. Batsis was traumatized that she nearly lost Robbie.

She couldn't imagine losing him to their enemy. She tried to stay strong and get rid of the toughts but couldn't she turned to Robbie "i Guess I better head brothers are probably the most worried about me".

Robbie gave her a quick smile "Sure you sure you don't want a ride home"

"Na I'm good" she told him and headed outside and walked home. While she was walking home she felt like she was being watched. She turned but there was nothing there. She shook it of and kept walking home.

Suddenly, a hand cupped her mouth and yanked her off the street. It was night so she couldn't see that well u til the figure came Into the light....Joker.

He laughed "Now Now, you don't want to Alert Robbie do ya" he laughed maniacally. Batsis cried and wiggled around like a worm to escape his trap but Joker just took her to His lair and tied her to a chair and doing his own thing which was hello g her that he will kill Robbie.

Robin's phone rang "Hey Damian" he said trough his phone.

"Hey Robbie is my sister still with you" Damien said

"No she was walking home" Robbie said

"Well she should have been home by now..I think somethion"somethingshe said scared

"Don't worry, get you brothers and we will go find her..ok" he promised

"Thank you Robbie" he said greatful and hung up. Robbie prepared to save Batsis from whatever happened to her.

Robbie and the Batboys assembled to find you searching every alleyway with their weapons and Robbie in his ghost rider form. The searched everywhere until they came across a lair.

"That's the Jokers lair....You don't think he kidnapped her do you" asked Tim

"There's one way to find out" Said Robbie's Ghost rider voice as they barged into the lair.

The saw Batsis tied up and her mouth taped "mmmmmmmm" she mumbled with the tape over her mouth. Joker suddenly appeared in front of them.

"OH Robbie, you really came to save her didn't ya" he chuckled

"Yes and I brought her brothers" Robbie said transforming into his human self.

"Well if you want her your gonna have to fight me" he chuckled and swung a punch at Robbie who caught his fist and smiled at him

"Punch me and you get your ass set on fire" Robbie said and joker smirked troughing another punch and robbie caught his other hand and turned into ghost rider.

"I told you id set you ass on fire if you punched me again" Robbie said as ghost rider

Joker smirk fell Into an 'uh it's expression and Robbie trough him across the room and the Batboys used there weapons to hurt him while Robbie undid Batsis's hands and feet and taking of the tape on her mouth.

"Robbie!" She said and hugged him and he hugged her. He felt happy to know that the person he loves was ok.

He turned his attention to the Batboys who were still hurting jocker. He made his way over and joker looked up at him pleadingly.

"Pl-l-lease I promise t-to hurt your friends again" joker begged.

"Sorry had your last chance asshole" Robbie said setting him on fire. Joker screamed in pain then stopped moving. Robbie transformed to his normal self again and smiled.

"That's what you get for stealing the person I love" he said. Batsis widened her eyes

"You love me?" She said

"Yes of course I do,ever since we first met" he said Smiling. Batsis smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love too Robbie" she said and they walked out hand in hand wanting to spend the rest of there lives together.

Robbie reyes And Johnny Blaze imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now