Chrissy X Johnny Blaze

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Chrissy POV

Johnny had to talk to me. He had to, he said he had something to tell me. I walk into Johnny's house opining the door and closing it gently.

I walk into Johnny's room and see him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Johnny" I say quietly and his head snaps up.

"Chrissy oh thank god your here, I need to tell you something" he said.

"That's what I'm here for" I said sitting on the bed next to him "what is it"

He looks up not giving me eye contact "you know the vigilante they call 'ghost rider'" he said.

"Yeah" I said

He took a deep breath and looked at me "I am ghost rider"

I laughed "really, your ghost rider, you gotta be kidding me" I say and laugh more.

"I'm not though" Johnny said hurtful.

I stop laughing And look at him frowning "your not kidding"

"No, why would I be able to this then" and then a flame lit up his whole hand

I admire his hand in awe and I smile "That's really cool."

His hand goes back to normal and he suddenly breaks eye contact.

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas (What's Wrong?)" I asked

"Am I a freak" Johnny said sadly. My heart broke. He wasn't a freak, he was the most caring person in the world.

"Johnny, why would you say that! You know your not a freak, you are caring and do everything for me when I need you. Johnny, I don't think you are one" i say.

He turns to me and smiles while leaning close to me.

"Johnny, what are you doing" I say taken aback.

"I just want to show how much I love you" he says before his lips crash to mine and his hand tangles in my black hair.

I kiss back and we break apart breathless.

"I love you chrissy" Johnny says

"I love  you too" I say and we kiss again

Robbie reyes And Johnny Blaze imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now