Protective Robbie Reyes x Neko! Reader

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Dedicated to Miyuji2580 hope you like it.

You walked down the sidewalk in the pouring rain. Your ears drooped down and tour tail weighed down by the rain.
You were shivering from the cold air and you didn't have a jacket on. Thunder crackled in the sky as you walked in the miserable weather.

All of a sudden a lighting bolt struck a pole you were walking near and it landed on top of you. The last thing you heard was someone calling your name.

You woke up to people talking. One of the voices belonged to Robbie and the other you knew belonged to daisy, your best friend

"Robbie Calm down" said Daisy

"I Can't calm down Daisy, she nearly died" exclaimed Robbie

"I know but you need to take a break from being at her bedside all day" Daisy said

Was Robbie by your bedside the whole time? And why was he being so protective over you and not anyone else whenever they get hurt?
All these thoughts raced your mind and you didn't notice Robbie enter the room

" (Y/N), I'm so glad your ok" Robbie cried hugging you tightly

"R-R-Robbie, I can't breath" you chocked

" Oh uh los seinto (Oh uh sorry)" Robbie said chuckling in embarrassment

"Robbie..why are you so overprotective of me" you asked

" I...uh" he seemed to be at loss for words

"Why?" You asked once again

"Look (Y/N), I really like you I love you" Robbie said looking into your (e/c) eyes

"Robbie..i-i-i-i love you too" You said Smiling.

Robbie smiled back before saying "Te quiero (I love you)"

You smiled " I love you too" You said

Robbie leaned closer and you did to where finally your lips met. Robbie put his hand on top of your ears (your a neko for christs sake) and you wrapped your arms around his neck

"FINALLY" shouted daisy

You and Robbie turned and glared at her

"Oh uh sorry" she said before running off giggling. You guys giggled to before cuddling toghtherdrifting to sleep.

There you go first request done I hope it wasn't to bad and I tried to write the character into ther respectable parts anyways I hope you enjoyed

Robbie reyes And Johnny Blaze imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now