Robbie reyes x Reader

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Warning: Lots if FLUFF

Plot: Robbie comes Back from a a mission and with him is a little girl he Finds. He begs the reader if they can adopt her and the reader

Request for Red_Skull_199987

You sat in the Main Room waiting for Robbie to finish a mission. He was on a mission to kill hydra after they killed a family who, you heard, were really great people.

You worried that Robbie could get killed... but let's be honest, he IS immortal as he has his ghost rider powers.

You got up and went to your bedroom and fell asleep. Little did you know Robbie would bring SOMEONE home with him.

Robbie's P.O.V

I set fire to one of the last killers and watched him burn to death, I smirked. I saw Daisy kill the last Killer and walk over to me.

"That it, i think pur work here is done" Daisy said with a smile.

We then heard a sobbing noise coming from behind us. We turned to see a girl who looked about 7.

I walked over to her and she looked up at me. I bent down to her level.

"¿Qué está mal cariño? (What's Wrong Sweetheart?)

The young girl continued to sob

"My p-p-parents are dead-d-d"

I felt my heart break in half. I hugged her and to my suprise, She hugged me tightly, not wanting to let go.

The others saw what was going on and sympathized with her too.

I picked her up and held her and turned to turned to the others.

"What am I going to do, her parents are dead and I don't want her to go to a foster home" I said.

"Well, you and (Y/N) have always wanted kids, haven't you" Coulson said

"Well, yeah" I said

"Then why don't you and (Y/N) adopt her" Mack said

He was right I did want to adopt her the first moment I laid my eyes on her, but he would be a bit dangerous with all the bad people we come into contact with, but then again she could be babysat by someone at the compound.

Sighing I finally said "Ok". I smiled and walked back to the Quinjet to head back home.

The others beamed at my agreement

"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT" daisy squealed


I rolled my at their childishness and went onto the quinjet.

I sat down with the girl in my arms "hey Sweetheart what's your name" I asked the child.

I look down at her face to see she was sleeping. Poor thing is exhausted from crying. I sit in a comfortable position slowly in order not to wake her.

I see the others get on board and smile at us.

"I can tell your going to be a great dad already" Melinda said.

"You really think so" I said

" I think so" Melinda said Smiling before walking off to sit down.

I smile at her before turning my attention back to the sleeping girl. She was so peaceful when she slept, reminded me of (Y/N) when she/he slept.

After a while we were halfway home and I heard the young girl whimper. I looked down to see she was crying, she was having a nightmare.

I shook her awake, she opened her eyes wide and looked up at me and cried into my shirt.

"Hey sh-sh it's ok I'm here" I said hugging her for comfort.

"I h-h-had a Nightmare" she said hicupping.

"Hey it ok,I'm here, and I promise to protect you with my life" I said truthfully

"You really mean that" she ask looking at me

"I do" I smiled

"Also what's your name Mr" she asked me

"Robbie, you?" I asked

"Mary" said the girl

"Cool" I said "Well we are close to home, but if you want to go back to sleep you can"

And just like that she was fast asleep. I smiled for probably the 5th time that day and said "No matter what happens, i will protect you Mary, i love you" I said kissing her head.

-5 minutes later-
We hopped of the Quinjet and went inside and everyone gawked at the site of Mary

"She's so cute" one shield agent said

"She is going to be a good asset to the team when she is older" said another

I walked to the main room where (y/n) would be but she wasn't. I decided to go to our room and to my luck, she/he was in their..sleeping.

I walked to one side of the bed to wake her/Him.

"Hey wake up" I said. (Y/n) stirred a little and opened up her/his eyes.

"Robbie, you're back" she/he said

"Yeah i am and I have someone for you to meet" I said

(Y/n) sat up Quickly like a lightning bolt and stared at me. I turn Mary around to make her visible and (Y/N) gasped.

"Oh my god Robbie" (Y/N) said picking up the girl from my arms and hugging the girl.

"She's BEAUTIFUL isn't she" I said Smiling.

"She sure is" (Y/n) said staring at the girl.

"Her names Mary, she told me before she fell back to sleep" I said

"Awww poor thing, i just want to adopt her" (Y/n) said

"Well guess what" I said Smiling.

"What?" (Y/n) answered looking at me

"We will be adopting her" I said Smiling big


"Shhhh, she's sleeping" I say gesturing to Mary

"Oh sorry"

I looked at my (Y/N) and then at Mary. I finally had my Family of my dreams.

Robbie reyes And Johnny Blaze imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now