Holding Back

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Sebastian's POV:
I ended up staying the night at Claude's house.
When I woke up, I realized that I was still naked and my hair was messed up.
I quickly stood up from the couch just so I could pick my clothes up from the floor. But as soon as I stood up, pain shot through my spine and to my lower half.
I bit my lip just to hold back a whimper of pain and grabbed my clothes.
I started to get dressed until I heard Claude speak.
"Are you going so soon, my love?" He asked.
I frowned.
"I'm afraid so. I'm really sore from how rough you were on me and Will is going to be be really angry that I'm not home."
"I understand, when will I see you again?"
I blushed; Claude wants to see me again.
"How about when Will is asleep tonight, I'll come over."
"That sounds great. I'll see you then."
I smiled.
Once I finished getting dressed, I left Claude's house. I checked my phone and saw angry texts from William.
Where the hell are you?! I called you 10 damn times and no answer! Are you cheating on me?!
Come home now!
I rolled my eyes and put my phone up. 
I don't know why I'm holding back from getting a divorce, but I need to do it soon or else William will find out about Claude and there will be a fight between them.
I really need to stop holding back.

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