Stressful Day

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Sebastian's POV
I was sleeping peacefully until I was grabbed by the shoulders roughly.
"Wake up, Sebastian!"
It was William yelling at me.
I sat up and pushed him off of me.
"Wake me up like that ever again, I will kick your ass" I snapped.
"Sebastian, it's eight o'clock."
I looked at the clock on the wall and my eyes widened.
"Shit! I'm late for work."
I got out of bed and started getting ready for the day.
"That's nothing new."
I glared at William.
"Shut the hell up, Will! I'm going to have to hear my boss yell at me when I get to work!"
  I quickly buttoned up my white dress shirt, and tucked it into a pair of black pants I put on. I then put on a pair of black shoes, combed my hair, and brushed my teeth.
William suddenly pulled me into his arms and kiss me.
"I love you baby, have a great day."
"Oh yeah, I'm going to have a very great day" I said sarcastically.
I kissed him back.
"Please stay out of trouble, Will."
Ever since me and William got married, he confessed to me a secret he had.
He's a criminal.
"I intend on staying home today, my dear."
He handed me my car keys.
"See you after work."
After another kiss, I hurried out the house and got into my car.
As I started driving, I was dreading work.
I had to deal with my stuck up boss and rude, drunk, and angry customers.
When I finally got to work, I rushed inside and instantly, Marc started yelling at me.
"Sebastian! You're late again. You better have a damn good excuse for why you're late!"
"I forgot to set my clock" I said bluntly.
"This is your second warning for being late, two more warnings and your ass is fired. Do you understand?"
I nodded.
"Good. Now that you're here, there's a new worker coming in tomorrow, so be here early because you're going to be training them."
"What's their name?"
"That's none of your business! Now get your ass to work!"
As he walked off, I held up my middle finger at him.
He thinks he's all that because he's the boss of a popular French restaurant. He thinks he can walk all over anybody.
I won't let him do that to me.
I was about to get started at work until I hear my phone go off.
I answered in, knowing it was William.
"Will. I can't talk, I'm super busy and work is stressful! What could you possibly want?" I snapped.
"Bail me out of jail" he said.
What happened to staying home?
"Oh my God, what did you do this time? I thought you said you intended on staying home. You lied to me."
I was irritated and felt a migraine coming on.
"I'll explain later. Will you bail me out?"
"You can wait till I get off work. I'm not leaving early just to get you out."
I hung up before he could answer.
Today was most definitely a stressful day.
I just wanted it to be over.

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