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A/n: Hello! It's so beautiful to see you again! Just a reminder that I haven't read the manga so this doesn't actually happen in the manga. That's why it's a fan-fiction 😂 This chapter does in fact have more Norman and Ray moments than all three of them, but just know that there will be more 'Emma, Ray, and Norman as a whole' in chapters to follow.
Anyways! Enjoy💛💛

Third person perspective

Norman woke up to two heavy weights on both of his shoulders. He tried to sit up before quickly realizing that he was pinned.

He looked down to see two mops of messy hair. He smiled, he was glad that this was the first thing he could wake up to after reuniting with Emma and Ray.

There was nothing more comforting than knowing that they were alive and safe. He could only imagine all the trouble they had gone through just to get out of that horrible house.

But it didn't matter now, because it was all over. He gently pushed their heads onto his lap while sitting up. He rested his back against the head board.

Once he was comfortable he looked back down and Emma and Ray. He ran his fingers through their hair, while doing so he started thinking about how he felt about them.

He loved them, that wasn't even a doubt. He knew that he would risk his lives for them in an instant if it meant they could live.

He loved them as friends, they were his best friends. He had know them for his whole life.

The only home he'd ever know was with them, he couldn't imagine a world without them.

He loved them as friends, but did he love them more? He didn't know now.

He couldn't think straight. Plus wouldn't dating two people be weird. Not that he really cared what others thought of him.

He knew he would talk to them about it once they were awake.

It was only a while of him running his finger though their hair and admiring how adorable their faces looked.

Emma had a short line of drool coming from the corner of her mouth, while Ray was softly snoring. They both had there cheeks squished against Norman's lap. Making them look even cuter in he opinion.

They soon both woke up. Emma yawned as she rubbed her eyes and Ray lifted his head.

"Good morning," Norman said in a soothing voice. They both looked up at him and then to each other.

"Good morning," Ray replied softly with a genuine smile. Norman blushed slightly. In all the time he knew Ray, he hadn't seen Ray smile many times in there time of knowing each other. Let alone a genuine one full of happiness. He was however very grateful for every one he did see.

"So it wasn't a dream..." Emma whispered before lunging herself onto Norman. "I do happy I still feel like this isn't real, and that you're not really here. It's like a dream."

"Same here.." Ray added quietly. "It fo

They had both sat up now with a pink tint dusted across there cheeks.

"Breakfast?" Emma asked breaking the peaceful silence.

"I'll make it, since you did yesterday." Ray responded, stretching. "I'll go wake everyone up. They'll be excited to see you, Norman!" Emma added pushing herself off the bed and offering a hand to Norman.

He graciously took it and stood up smiling. Ray had already started walking to the door.

They went to doing their tasks, and in no time Ray was almost done with breakfast and Emma went to find tissues for all the teary-eyed kids who were elated to see the person they had once -and still did- look up to, Norman. They asked him of where he was and what he had been doing for the past few years.

"You guys can bombard Norman with more questions later, but you all should eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Ray interrupted. They all nodded and some gave a few dragged out "okays" before they all walked into the Dining Area. Leaving only Ray and Norman in the room alone.

"I've never seen you so sweet and understanding, Ray." Norman said softly, his voice like silk.

"Rude," Ray joked and smirked as Norman laughed and put his arm around the shorter boy.

"Don't be like that~" Norman pleaded. " I meant it as a compliment, I mean that you've softened your walls and come out of your shell." He said sweetly. "I like to see this side of you, it's different, but it's only another reason to be grateful I'm here."

Ray was a blushing mess, Norman laughed as kissed his cheek before leaving to join the others in the dining area. Ray was stunned to the spot not knowing how to react. One thing he did know was that he would mind if Norman kissed him again.

"Raaay~! Are you coming?" Emma whined as she crossed her arms standing in front of Ray with a smirk.

"Oh! Uh- yeah!" He replied as he and Emma joined the rest of their friends in the Dining Room.

Word Count: 791
Gay panics are the best kinds of panics
Anywho~ I'll see y'all next chapter!

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